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1876年,亨利遭受到一次痛苦的打击。In 1876, Henry suffered a grievous blow.

噩耗传来,犹如晴天霹雳。The grievous news came as a bolt from the blue.

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警察控告他犯有严重的身体伤害罪。The police charged him with grievous bodily harm.

自我指着和不自信都是令人觉得遗憾的错误。Self-condemnation and self-distrust are grievous errors.

他用苛捐杂税剥夺百姓,失尽民心。He pilled with grievous taxes and quite lost their hearts.

悲泪凝铸的钟乳迸溅着哭声。Grievous tears cast some stalactites, spreading out crying.

你得承认,这对于我可怜的女儿们真是件不幸的事。It is a grievous affair to my poor girls, you must confess.

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在英国,她已因过失重大人身伤害罪被起诉。In the UK she'd be prosecuted for reckless grievous bodily harm.

我们会追踪格里菲斯然后摧毁他。这场战争必须结束!Then we will track down Grievous and destroy him. This war must end!

卢克使用了凯布尔水晶的治愈功能治好了莱娅的伤口。Luke used the Kaiburr's healing power to mend Leia's grievous wounds.

他在博兹皮蒂与格里弗斯将军的战斗中身负重伤。He was seriously injured after a fight with General Grievous on Boz Pity.

在海波里,共和国初次面对格里弗斯将军,当时莎克·蒂也在场。Shaak Ti was also on Hypori when the Republic first faced General Grievous.

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随着格里弗斯的手臂完全分开进入战斗模式,他压倒了加利亚。With his arms fully separated into combat mode, Grievous overpowered Gallia.

奶品丑闻是一起令人难过的人身悲剧,一场深刻的政治地震。The milk scandal is a grievous personal tragedy and a deep political temblor.

这是一种利用使人愉悦的事物抑制过度悲伤的方法。This is a method to restrain excessive anger by making use of grievous factors.

你使那些可怜无助的小狗死亡、严重受伤,你知道!You caused death and grievous injury to those poor, helpless puppies, you know!

下级军官和连级指挥官的损失很惊人。The losses in junior officers and company level commanders were grievous indeed.

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奥比旺,格里菲斯已经在尤塔帕星球上。准备两支克隆人军队。Obi-Wan, General Grievous has been located on Utapau! Prepare two clone brigades.

将现象当成实相是一种严重的错失以及一切灾难的原因。To take appearance for reality is a grievous sin and the cause of all calamities.

正是因为这些商会,单仲偕其人民的是更严重。Precisely because of these associations, the sin of its people is the more grievous.