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她让永民重新改一下兼并战略。She let people forever change again annexation strategy.

大多数华族琉球人在日本吞并战争时被通缉。Most of the Kumemura wanted war with Japan during annexation.

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土地兼并是古代中国的一个顽症。Land annexation was a persistent ailment of the Ancient China.

1923年起为巴勒斯坦一部分,1948年被约旦并吞。It was part of Palestine from 1923 until its annexation by Jordan in 1948.

巴勒斯坦人则认为这样的合并无疑将会把西岸地区一割为二。Palestinians say such an annexation would effectively cut the West Bank in two.

汽车制造业的联合兼并之风将越吹越猛。Automobile manufacturing joint annexation winds will be blowing more Vietnamese troops.

后来三部逐被德祖衮建立的古格王朝吞并。Later, three were Dezu Dagon by the establishment of the ancient dynasty annexation of Georgia.

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而在并入以色列之后,每个宗教团体都被授予了管理其圣地的权力。After the annexation to Israel, each religious group was granted administration over its holy sites.

但华盛顿只是耸了耸肩,没有做出制裁,就像针对俄罗斯吞并克里米亚所采取的制裁行动那样。But Washington shrugs. There have been no sanctions as there were over Russia's annexation of Crimea.

在得克萨斯合并以后,争执触发了在墨西哥和美国之间的美墨战争。This dispute would later become a trigger for the Mexican-American War after the annexation of Texas.

这个国家曾蚕食鲸吞了大片别国土地…The country had seized vast territories of other countries by piecemeal encroachment or wholesale annexation.

这是我们的墨西哥战争开始后吞并得克萨斯州和结束与条约的瓜达卢佩伊达尔戈。It was our Mexican War that began after the annexation of Texas and ended with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

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只是由于受田土地不足,土地兼并等原因的影响,均田制在实践中并没有完全实现。Because of lack of land and annexation of land, land equalization system didn't come true completely in practice.

日本军队诬陷是中国军队所为,以次为借口发动了对东北地区的侵略。Japan's military accused Chinese army of the act, thus providing an excuse for the Japanese annexation of Manchuria.

出版商抽掉了一个有关印度1975年吞并锡金的章节,因为这样的内容会使感到不安。The publishers removed one part about India’s annexation of Sikkim in 1975 because they thought it might upset India.

日韩合并是近代意义上的东北亚国际关系重组的开端。Japanese annexation of Korea marked a new phase of restructuring in modern international relations across Northest Asia.

为此,笔者认为应重视企业兼并中有关财务决策问题。Therefore, the author thought that should take in the enterprise annexation the related financial decision-making question.

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一段时期的殖民统治,扩大的领土购买从法国和西班牙,和后来的印第安和墨西哥的土地合并。A period of settlement, extensive land purchases from the French and Spanish , and annexation of Indian and Mexican lands followed.

去年完成的戴姆勒—奔驰与克莱斯勒公司的兼并重组给本来就动荡不安的全球汽车工业带来了极大冲击。The annexation and reorganization of Daimler -Benz and Chrysler last year are pounding at the unrestful global automobile industry.

1898年美国同时控制了古巴、菲律宾群岛、关岛和波多黎各,同年夏威夷合并法案升效。In 1898, the same year the U.S. gained control of Cuba, the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico, the annexation of Hawaii was enacted.