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沃尔玛首席信息官罗林·福特如是说。says Rollin Ford, the CIO of Wal-Mart.

在一些公司,首席技术官就像一个首席信息官。In some companies, the CTO is just like a CIO.

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我问过我们的首席信息官。I get to ask a lot to actually buy our CIO customers.

首席信息官和博客主布莱德·埃萨克写给哑巴小男人。Written for Dumb Little Man by Brad Isaac, a CIO and blogger.

现在,请设想一下,作为一个CIO,我得到了这一信息!Now, imagine I, as a CIO had that information at available to me!

不仅如此,就连首席信息官的传统职责——购买设备——也在不断发生变化。Even the traditional role of the CIO -- buying equipment -- has evolved.

她是北卡罗莱纳大学委任的首位CIO。She was the first CIO appointed for the University of North Carolina system.

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能源信息网站——中国能源网首席信息官韩晓平就反对南方供暖。Han Xiaoping, CIO of the energy information site china5e. com, opposes heating the south.

通过建立政府CIO制度,美国的电子政务项目取得了显著的效果。American e-government project had made great progress since the application of CIO system.

1955年劳联和产联终于联合为“劳联—产联”,成为全国最大的工会组织。In 1955, the AFL and the CIO merged, becoming the AFL-CIO -- the nation's largest labor organization.

你可以通过自组织团队来完成这件事,也可以通过规定采用由CIO颁布的架构来完成。You can do this with self organizing teams, or by prescribing an architecture that is ordained by the CIO.

的确,他们对于导致劳联分裂和产联形成的,1935年那些事件是无论如何没有责任的。To be sure, they were in no way responsible for events that led to the split in af of land the formation of cio in 1935.

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在1999年末,金东一先生加入KTB资产管理和代理资产管理公司,并任固定收益部CIO。In late 1999, he left Samsung ITMC and worked for KTB Asset Management and Regent Asset Management as a fixed income CIO.

最为5个工程副总裁,Merrill是Google信息系统的高级经理,说白点,就是CIO啦。One of five engineering vice presidents, Merrill is Google's senior director of information systems effectively, the CIO.

“立刻,所有的网际服务提供是进入给英特网,时期”,史蒂芬养兔场,联邦贸易委员会的信息长说。"Right now, all ISPs provide is entry to the Internet, period, " says Stephen Warren, CIO of the Federal Trade Commission.

不要为高调抛出网络上有关特定软件包的“恐怖故事”然后致电该公司CIO而羞愧。Don’t shy away from trolling the Web for “horror stories” about that particular package and then calling the CIO of the company.

政府CIO的职责定位不清、体制建设滞后导致其功能得不到正常的发挥。The duties of the government CIO position unclear, institution-building led to its functions are not lagging behind normal play.

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在未来的10到15年内,对于全球每一位有远见的CIO来说,增加IT行业中的商务通数量是他们的首要职责。Increasing business-smarts in IT has been a top priority for every self-respecting CIO on the planet for the last 10 to 15 years.

我不知道科迪是否知道我只是一个可怜的首席信息官,奋力地用布基胶带和聚氯乙烯管将电子邮件设施整合起来。I wondered if Cody knew that I was just a poor struggling CIO trying to hold together an email infrastructure with duct tape and PVC pipe.

锡蒂比奇的CIO首席信息官保罗斯告诉他找到了在本组织内由于缺乏能力的云存储的解决方案。City Beach CIO Paul Downs told CIO he sought out cloud-based solutions for storage because of a lack of capability within the organisation.