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双鱼属于水象星座。Pisces is a Water sign.

双鱼座是水相星座。Pisces is a watery sign.

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双鱼座是水相星座。Pisces is a Water element.

双鱼座--紫水晶,绿玉Pisces -- Amethyst, Aquamarine

双鱼座是最浪漫的星座。Pisces is the most romantic one.

处女座和双鱼座的爱情匹配度Virgo and Pisces love compatibility

双鱼座擅长倾听的艺术。Pisces excels in the art of listening.

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双鱼的守护星是海王星。Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune.

双鱼同白羊的生意伙伴关系Pisces and Aries business compatibility

双鱼座希望能单独和火鸡过感恩节。Pisces wants to be one with the turkey.

双鱼同金牛的生意伙伴关系Pisces and Taurus business compatibility

天蝎和双鱼也是水象星座。Scorpio and Pisces are also water signs.

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你的双鱼是一个浪漫主义者。Your Pisces friend is a sucker for romance.

双鱼座位于仙女座的南边。Pisces is a constellation south of Andromeda.

双鱼和巨蟹、天蝎一样属于水象星座。Pisces is a water sign, like Cancer and Scorpio.

双鱼座爱人的性爱是纯粹的享受。Sex with Pisces lover is erotic and pure enjoyment.

双鱼座会种下一棵以爱人名字命名的树。Pisces plants a tree in the name of their dear ones.

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双鱼座的人——不会随便爱上一个人。Pisces people -- not just fall in love with a person.

拥有超凡想像力和敏锐洞察力的鱼儿是天生的艺术大师。Intuitive and imaginative, Pisces are natural artists.

它将经过在自己守护下的双鱼座,也是你的第六宫。It will transit your 6th house in its own sign Pisces.