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或者你可以成为会员。or you can get a membership.

你有会员卡吗?Do you have a membership card?

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没有持续的成员资格。There is no ongoing membership.

想要申请幻雅俱乐部会籍?Want a membership of AE&M Club?

建立一个详细的会员名单Create detailed membership lists

他是入党申请人。He applied for Party membership.

他申请入党了。He applied for party membership.

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选中的框表示成员。A checked box denotes membership.

本会员咭不可退款。Membership fee is non-refundable.

班级人数限定在20名以内。Class membership is limited to 20.

金卡会籍有效期12个月。Guld membership is valid 12 months.

如果你依赖教会会友的身份。If you rely on a church membership.

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会员卡不可转让或外借。Membership card is non-transferable.

会员证不可转让给他人使用。Membership card is not transferable.

不过入会费实在太高了。But the membership fees are too high.

她的名字已列入会员名单。Her name is listed in the membership.

会籍不可转让。Membership title is non-transferable.

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已付之会费不设退还。The membership fee is non-refundable.

会员卡内所储存球局不可转让。Both membership card cannot be attorn.

别忘了,烧掉你的会员证。Remember to burn your membership card.