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记忆一首歌。Memorize a song.

背诵演讲稿。Memorize your speech.

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记住演讲稿的每个字。Memorize every word of it.

有些人死记答案Some people memorize this.

记不住这些名单?Can t memorize these lists?

记忆一首好诗并把它传给后辈。Memorize a poem and pass it on.

他也没有刻意去记住它He wasn't trying to memorize it.

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不过你们不必全都死记硬背You don't have to memorize all this.

你有把每周一句背下来吗?Did you memorize the weekly sentence?

你们该记住多少内容How much of this should you memorize?

你需要记住几成How much are you supposed to memorize?

我得把这些数学公式背下来。I have to memorize these math formulas.

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学习和背诵中国古诗。Learn and memorize ancient Chinese poems.

所以你们不需要去死记硬背它。So you don't really have to memorize that.

你应当先熟记字母表。You should memorize the alphabet at first.

重申一次,你不必死记这个公式Again, you should not memorize the formula.

他必须背熟大量材料。He must memorize large amounts of material.

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他十分钟就能熟记这篇文章。He can memorize this passage in ten minutes.

我竭力一字不差地记住演讲稿。I tried to memorize the speech word for word.

难道都是像背单词一样背下来的吗?Does memorize them like memorize normal words?