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阿木常常这么说。Amu often say.

每个夜晚阿木仅仅静静地听。Each night Amu just listen quietly.

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我们远眺向河,宏伟的阿姆河。We looked out across the river, to the majestic Amu.

他们以看旧照片消遣。They amu. sed themselves by looking at old photographs.

但是阿木忧虑自个丑恶的肌肤会吓坏兄弟。But Amu concern since a hideous skin will be terrified brothers.

阿姆河和菲尔尼甘河与阿富汗交界。The Amu Darya and Pyanj rivers mark the border with Afghanistan.

咸海的水源几乎完全来自阿姆河和锡尔河。The Aral Sea gets almost all its water from the Amu and Syr rivers.

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阿木紧紧地蜷缩起自个的身体,看起来像一块干裂的老树皮。Amu tightly curled Since a body that looks like an old bark chapped.

好几次,阿木都想上前打个招呼,做个好兄弟吧。Several times, wants Amu came to say hello, to be a good brother now.

苏联中亚部分西南一城市,位于塔什干西南阿穆达亚。A city of southwest Central Asian U. S. S. R. on the Amu Darya southwest of Tashkent.

首府查尔朱位于列巴普州的中心地带,坐落于阿姆河的左岸,铁路和公路连接查尔朱?The capital of the state chard zhou is located in central land of lebap state on left bank of amu river.

“我们这类人本来就不幸福,结婚会让我们更加不幸福”,阿木无奈地对记者说道。"We do not have the well-being of these people, marriage makes us unhappy, " Amu said reluctantly to reporters.

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在1960年代,前苏联为了灌溉棉花与稻田,对锡尔河与阿姆河进行了改道。In the 1960s the former Soviet Union diverted the Syr Darya and Amu Darya for the irrigation of cotton and paddy fields.

Panj河从旁边汩汩流过,这条河在别处也叫阿姆河,发源于靠近中国边境的冰川。Beside the graves flow the waters of the Panj, better known elsewhere as the Amu Darya, born from a glacier near the Chinese border.

没有什么事能像这样,一边攀向明亮洁净的天空,一边欣赏着壮丽的洛子峰和阿姆达布拉姆山——和垃圾堆。There's nothing like waking up to bright clear skies with spectacular views of the Lhotse and Amu Dablam ranges – and a rubbish dump.

婚姻作为同性恋者的归宿,是否能够完全让同性恋者享受家庭生活,记者为此采访了已婚的阿木。As of the end-result of gay marriage, whether or not to let homosexuals be able to enjoy family life, the reporter for this interview Amu married.

文章对人民币汇率制度改革提出了相关建议,认为推进人民币与亚洲货币单位的挂钩是中国推进人民币国际化,参与东亚货币合作的重要一步。An important step for China to take a role in the East Asia currency cooperation and promote RMB internationalization is pegging RMB to AMU as much as possible.

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勘探地点是玛丽省、土库曼斯坦西部和北部、阿姆河右岸及里海海域。Sites under exploration are located in Mary Province, in western and northern Turkmenistan, on the right bank of the Amu Darya, and offshore in the Caspian Sea.

“嗖!”的一声,兔子白大越过来,一段干燥的树枝被踢到边上,阿木被撞得转了三个圈圈。“哎哟!”阿木揉揉腰站起来。"Whoosh! " Is heard, the big white rabbit over a period of dry branches were kicked edge Amu knocked turn three circles. "Ouch! " Amu stood up and rubbed his back.

塞尔柱人自10世纪中期开始向河中地区迁徙,一个世纪后逐渐迁徙于中亚、中东及西亚。The Seljuks were the descendants of the western Turkish tribes, they came from the west of Xier river and migrated to the zone of Xier and Amu river in the middle of 10th century.