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湖岸的景色十分壮观。The lakeshore view was stupendous.

神的恩典领我们进入一个伟大的未来。God's grace leads us to a stupendous future.

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一直以来,中国经济的增速可以说是十分惊人的。China's growth has been nothing short of stupendous.

亚里桑那州有很多摄人心魄的名胜。Arizona has plenty of stupendous sights that set the senses afire.

20世纪的历史进程由三次震撼人心的运动构成。The course of the 20th Century has been shaped by three stupendous movements.

四海啤酒最近收购了英国原浆啤酒的生产商夏普斯啤酒。Molson Coors recently bought Sharps, a British brewer of stupendous real ales.

三十年来,世界、中国和联合国都发生了巨大的变化。Stupendous changes have since taken place in the world, in China and in the UN.

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自达尔文以来,我们已经熟悉了进化历史惊人的时间跨度。Ever since Darwin, we've been familiar with the stupendous timespans of the evolutionary past.

如果没有先进的工程和工业技术,这惊人的发明有可能实现吗?Had not advanced engineering and industrial technology made this stupendous invention possible?

该段富集了全带大部分的能源与资源,发展潜力巨大,前景可观。Being abundant in energy and resources, it has a stupendous development potential and visible prospect.

天空充满了巨大的飞行物,像黑夜那样地黑暗,但因为有微黄色的光束而辩认得出来。The sky is full of stupendous flying-machines, dark as night, but picked out by lights with a yellowish glare.

这将是一个巨大的任务,我们确信如果我们可以多活10年,那么我们会取得成果的。It will be a stupendous task and I am sure that if we could live for 10 more years then we will show the results.

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自然,在这个树木穿上盔甲、沙漠爬上山梁的巨大世界上,人类总是看上去有危险性。Naturally, in this stupendous world of armoured trees and vertical deserts, humans have always looked endangered.

让我想起大诺伊达区。甚至在基础设施非常发达时,大诺伊达区的部分地区也是没有居民。Reminds me of Greater Noida. Parts of Greater Noida is also devoid of residents even when the infra is stupendous.

这的确是个令人惊奇的数字,而米兰在对阿斯科利的比赛里打进五个进球也价值连城。This is indeed a stupendous figure and it also well worth noting that Milan scored five goals today against Ascoli.

市场发展一日千里,时间决定胜负。客户的未来市场期待就是我们今天的奋斗目标。Market development has catalyzed stupendous time decisive. Customer's future market expectation is that we today's goal.

而且,随着互联网的普及,口碑信息通过网络能以惊人的速度扩散开去,其影响力变得更为强大。With the rapid development of internet, WOM can spread at a stupendous speed on the internet and its influence expands a lot.

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自然,她最叫人目眩神迷的地方在于她是人类悲剧孕育的温…Nature in her most dazzling aspects or stupendous parts, is but the background and theater of the tragedy of man. —John Morley.

他惊人的力量促使这些不同的目击者们告知世人,耶稣基督惊人迥异而又统一的的故事。Something stupendous unleashed these diverse witnesses to tell these stunning and varied, yet unified, stories of Jesus Christ.

就如同在报刊上填补的空白的短文,尽管爱情的版面似乎没给其太大的空间,却让人最大程度地感受到惊动、隽永。Just like the empty article in the newspaper, in despite of the loving space is small, but we feel it meaningful and stupendous.