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他的墓是用花岗石造的。His grave is made of granite.

有没有像花岗岩家!There is no granite like Tadoussac!

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花岗岩是本店经营的当家品种。Granite is our shops' main business.

花岗岩是金矿的有利赋矿围岩。Granite are ore-rich surrounding rocks.

我认为汤姆是一个铁石心肠的人。He was a despot with a heart of granite.

那就像在切割花岗岩一样。Itwould end up like cutting into granite.

这座纪念碑是由大理石和花岗石制成的。The monument is made of marble and granite.

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要赢得“花岗岩州”有如过刀山下火海。Wooing the Granite State is fiendishly hard.

英文中没有直接相等的。The extrusive equivalent of granite is rhyolite.

它们是用人工切割的花岗岩石块所建成。They are built of stone, hand cut granite blocks.

花岗石的物理特性是众所周知的。The physical properties of granite are well known.

黔南地区花岗石资源丰富。The southern Guizhou is rich in granite resources.

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青石路面,一直通到小山深处。Granite road noodles, all arrives knoll deep place.

越城岭花岗岩主体属S型花岗岩。The main body of Yuechengling granite is of S-type.

南雄有丰富的花岗石和红土资源。Nanxiong has abundant resources of granite and clay.

“花岗岩是一种特别坚硬的岩石,”哈沙什说。"Granite is a particularly hard rock, " Hashashsays.

该区金直接来源于加里东和华力西花岗岩。Gold source is from Caledonian and Hercynian granite.

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巨大的花岗岩骏马为皇家宫殿平添几分威仪。A giant granite horse that graced an emperor's palace.

矿床在空间上和成因上与金窝子花岗岩关系密切。It is spatially and originally related to the granite.

狼山花岗岩中锆石具有多世代性。Zircon in the Langshan granite is of multi-generation.