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好习惯是成功的捷径。Good habits are the crosscut to success.

爸爸说,它能让木锯子上都抽出芽来。Papa said it would grow hair on a crosscut saw.

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每天晚上回家时,他都急忙拿上横锯或拔钉锤。Each evening he came home, eager to take up his crosscut saw or claw hammer.

大多数软件系统由一些横切多个模块的关注点组成。Most software systems consist of several concerns that crosscut multiple modules.

当节理正交时,离散元与有限元的计算结果一致。The results of DEM agree well with the one of FEM when joints are crosscut each other.

顶板管理是石门揭露突出煤层过程中的管理重点。Roof control is key management of opening up coal seam with potential outburst in crosscut.

该方法在祁南煤矿南大巷石门揭煤中得到了应用,并取得了良好的效果。The method is applied in Qinan Coal Mine Avenue South crosscut exposing coal. The good results are achieved.

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你会发现横切碎纸机,需要人工饲料,但也有那些自动工作。You will find crosscut shredders that require a manual feed , but there are also those which work automatically.

实时系统有许多难以处理的横切整个系统的非功能需求。Real-time systems have many non-functional requirements, which crosscut entire system and are difficult to be handled.

气垫垛板是横剪的最后一道工序,只有选择合适的风压才能满足垛板的工艺要求。Air cushion pillar is the last process of crosscut. Only to select an appropriate air pressure meets the technical demand.

切面是AOP的核心,就是把对一个可能横切不同的多个对象的关注点模块化,这些模块化单元就叫“切面”。Aspect is the core of AOP, it means to modularize a concern that may crosscut in many program modules, these modularized concerns calls "Aspect".

结果表明,利用AOP的编程方式能很好地处理跨系统多个模块的横切关注点,对软件的复用很有价值。The result indicates that AOP does well in handling crosscut attention points that crosscut many modules. It has important value in software reuse.

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论文以自动控制理论和机电传动控制理论以及计算机应用技术为基础,介绍了国内瓦楞纸板包装和纸板生产线的现况。This thesis introduced the situation of corrugated cardboard crosscut machine based on automatic control theory, electromechanical drive theory and computer theory.

切割小车由控制系统带动缓缓行进,经过纵切装置将坯体的两侧余料切除并按设定宽度对坯体进行纵向切割。The control system drives the cutting trolley forward, and the longitudinal device cuts the leftover of the material, and the crosscut device cut it in needed width.

这个故事也非常人性化,讲述了作者成为一名“成熟的癌症学家”经历,而且历史性的叙述被慕克吉眼下所面临的困境冲断。It is a personal story, too, an account of the author’s own “coming-of-age as an oncologist, ” and its historical narrative is crosscut with Mukherjee’s present predicaments.

使用单一来源产生横切开发周期各个阶段的多个文档可以带来进一步的机会利用这一共享知识。Using a single source to generate multiple document projects that crosscut the various stages of the development cycle opens further opportunities to leverage this shared knowledge.

这个水系终止于一个10公里宽、层状的扇形地形,有著纵横交错的弯曲隆起,呈现出不同程度的侵蚀作用。This drainage system terminates in a 10-kilometer-wide, layered, fan-shaped landform characterized by meandering ridges that crosscut one another and show varying degrees of erosion.

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武山铜矿南矿带采用上向水平分层进路水砂充填法回采,采场多次发生冒顶、片帮。The South ore-bearing zone of Wushan copper mine is mined with ascending horizontal slicing hydraulic fill crosscut mining system. Roof falling and rib spalling occurred in any times.

以煤矿院办公楼为例,报导和总结了被地裂缝横切的煤矿院办公楼采用分离加固处理地裂缝灾害的成功经验。A detailed summation is made on the successful experience of separating reinforcement on the office building of Xi'an Design and Research Institute which is crosscut by a ground fissure.

通过对中性盐雾试验中漆膜划痕处起泡现象的研究,分析了起泡产生的原因,提出了相应的解决方案。Based on the study of the bubbling phenomena around the crosscut of coatings film in neutral salt spray test, this article has analyzed the cause of bubbling and proposes effective solutions.