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你必须剔除朽木。You must remove the deadwood.

假如生命只是一根枯枝。If the life is just a deadwood.

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枯枝也让火焰更加炙热。Deadwood also allows fires to get hotter.

因此戴德伍德相当的裂口,咆哮镇。So Deadwood was quite the rip-roaring town.

那里是一个美丽的传说关于枯枝牡丹。There is a beautiful legend about deadwood peony.

真的吓了跳。我还以为你已经被朽木队长杀死了。What a shock! I thought you might have been killed by Captain Deadwood.

“金”的得分为25分再加上对手“废牌”的分值。The score for gin is 25 points plus the deadwood in the opponent's hand.

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同时左手的大拇指在把最底下那个废牌推回牌夹子里。At the same time the thumb is the most under the deadwood back card clip.

将采集自各地的朽木和碱性土壤进行菌种筛选,从中得到一株丝状真菌FG-2。A filamentous fungi FG-2 was screened and isolated from deadwood and alkaline soil.

他们中有很多像死人一样的老朽的人,也还有天赋的。While there is plenty of tired deadwood among them , there is also a lot of talent.

泄水糟、沟渠和水闸,还有数以百计的捣岩机杂乱无章地布满在戴德伍德干涸的条条小溪上。Sluice boxes, ditches, dams and hundreds of stamp mills cluttered the small creeks in Deadwood Gulch.

公司就只剩下一些庸员,而这些人要承担两倍于以前的工作量。Thus the company is left with the deadwood employees, who are supposed to do twice the work as before.

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南达科他州的建筑师进来,恢复了历史博德加轿车和其他几个戴德伍德建筑物。South Dakota architect came in and restored the historic Bodega Saloon and several other Deadwood buildings.

戴德伍德迪克,一个黑人,是在西方最准确的投篮之一。他可以把你的拍摄疣鼻。Deadwood Dick, a black man, was one of the most accurate shots in the West. He could shoot a wart off your nose.

安吉丽娜饰演乔迪斯文基,但她的角色没有伊恩麦克肖恩在“朽木”中那么有趣。Angelina turns up as Jodie Swearingen, though sadly her character isn't as much fun as Ian McShane's in Deadwood.

这变成了数百万美元的一年,现在的游戏厅雇用了比戴德伍德住更多的人。That turned into millions of dollars a year, and the gaming parlors now employ more people than live in Deadwood.

有一阵子,戴德伍德是一个华丽的维多利亚剧院25,000人,以优良的酒店和餐馆和电力。For a while, Deadwood was a sumptuous Victorian showplace of 25,000 people, with fine hotels and restaurants and electricity.

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怀尔德比尔希科克例如,被著名戴德伍德赌徒和枪手谁被枪杀,而买卖的扑克游戏卡。Wild Bill Hickok, for instance, was a celebrated Deadwood gambler and gunman who was shot dead while dealing cards in a poker game.

直到一天晚上,死神朽木露琪亚被他一脚踢到墙角并满脸惊疑地望着他问“你能看见我?”Until one night, by his death deadwood Lucia kicked the wall and his face looked surprised and bewildered he asked, "Can you see me?"

在崎岖的道路上,经过长途跋涉,记者来到亚当斯博物馆的考古夏令营。It's a long, rough ride to the site of the Adams Museum's summer archeology camp, a former icehouse on the hills surrounding Deadwood.