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马萨耸耸肩。Massa shrugs.

马萨第一次战栗起来。Massa shudders for the first time.

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根据卢卡·卡拉嘉尼所说,马萨有颅骨损伤。According to Luca Colajanni, Massa has a skull injury.

马萨在无线电里抱怨太多转向不足。Massa complains of "too much understeer" in his Ferrari.

马萨现在不再是法拉利的二号车手,而是一名强有力的竞争者。No more the Ferrari number two, Massa is now a contender.

去年的冠军是库比卡,并在他面前菲利普马萨。Last year's winner was Robert Kubica, and before him Felipe Massa.

菲利普马萨跑了20圈,以1分25秒549排名第九。Felipe Massa was ninth with a best of 1.25.549, completing 20 laps.

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今天马萨代替巴多尔和莱科宁搭档。Felipe Massa will today be partnering Raikkonen in place of Badoer.

即使马萨也对自己在昏迷之后如此快就重获热情而有点惊讶。Even Massa looks briefly stunned by his own fervour so soon after the coma.

“你需要用不同的角度来思考‘运气’,”马萨说,停顿片刻。"You need to think about luck in different ways, " Massa suggests before pausing.

似乎是一种反射作用,李老爷的脸上马上露出了不同意表情。An instantly disapproving expression came upon Massa Lea' s face, as if by reflex.

周一,马萨给瑟蒂斯的家人发去一个感人的信息。Massa sent the Surtees family a heartfelt message on the Monday after Henry's death.

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他16圈进站,只比马萨早三圈,比莱科宁和韦伯早四圈。He pitted on lap 16, just three before Massa and four laps before Raikkonen and Webber.

谈起他的家庭所经受的可怕的折磨,马萨就更加体贴了。Massa is even more thoughtful when describing the terrible ordeal endured by his family.

然而同样很难不去想,马萨依旧有被危险的赛车吞噬的可能。Yet it is also hard to shake the feeling that Massa remains dangerously consumed by racing.

马萨目前拥有22个积分,而法拉利则在车队积分榜是32个积分。Massa has now 22 points, while the Scuderia Ferrari has 32 in the Constructors' Championship.

迈凯伦车队的发车非常好,他们设法比我们早到达第一号弯角。"The McLarens started very well and managed to reach Turn 1 better than us, " Massa told RAI.

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在日本,小汉和马萨同时出现的失误让库比卡燃起了希望。In Japan, Chinese small and Massa at the same time so that the mistakes Kubica rekindled hope.

马萨希望库比卡、瓦特尔和伯尔戴斯也能参加这个活动。Massa expects Robert Kubica, Sebastien Vettel and Sebastien Bourdais to also attend the event.

队友马萨以1分11秒435位居第二,领先他们最强有力的挑战者半秒。Team mate Felipe Massa was second on 1m 11.435s, half a second clear of their closest challenger.