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然而,这些国家存留他们的“权力”是有争议的。Yet the ‘right’ of these countries to keep them is arguable.

因此这些管制的合法化就变成了争论的议题。Therefore, the legitimation of these regulations becomes an arguable issue.

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然而把男性化的女生贴上“问题学生”的标签,却令人难以理解。"It is arguable that Boys-like girls should be labelled as "problem students". "

这两个镜头广角更大所以可能更有用,但是都贵6倍左右。Both are wider and thus arguable more useful, but both are about 6x more expensive.

0和社会网络之间是否有很大不同还存有争议。It's arguable whether there's much difference between 'web 2.0' and the 'Social Web'.

由于这是一个非正式申请,法院只能裁定其为存在良好争议的法律观点。As this was an interlocutory application, the court only had to find a good arguable case.

中古二等韵有无介音这个问题是近几年讨论的热门话题。It has been an arguable topic in the past a few years that whether there is a medial of erdengyun.

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联合国的进程可能已经和气候变化的科学研究分道扬镳。It's arguable the UN process has become dangerously cut adrift from the science of climate change.

在这个层面上很难说曼联做得比巴萨更好,不过毋庸置疑的是曼联绝对冠绝英超。It's arguable whether this is better than Barcelona, but it is certainly the best in the Premier League.

比如,荷兰的设计规范通常不仅仅是白纸黑字的条例,而是一个可论证的系统。For example, the Dutch design regulations usually are not written down in black and white, but an arguable system.

事实上,我们已经触及最大单系统软件环境的上限,这个观点是有争议的。Indeed, it is arguable that we have already reached the upper limit of the large single-system software environment.

假设你有一个有争议的邻居,你愿意同他争吵或她的日常生活,并有升级的风格?Suppose you have an arguable neighbor, are you willing to quarrel with him or her everyday and with an escalating style?

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然而,这个负担是否比因通过数据线传送一半左右的数据而获得的性能小,还存在争议。It is, however, arguable that this burden is less than the performance gained by transferring about half as much data across the wire.

显然从华纳音乐案例可以看出,YouTube的技术无法区分侵权和合理使用之间的区别。It's clear from the Warner Music experience that YouTube's Content ID tool fails to separate the infringements from the arguable fair uses.

在超常儿童研究领域存在着许多争议的问题,超常儿童的智力与创造力的关系问题就是其中的一个。In the field of research on creativity, the relationship between children's creativity and intelligence is one of the most arguable problems.

考虑到今夏的转会支出,肯尼·达格利什也许应该成为这里的“更为受制的教练”。It was arguable that, given the summer transfer outlay, Kenny Dalglish should have come into this fixture as the manager under greater scrutiny.

即使行政机关管辖权问题是可争辩的或并不清楚,法院也可能列出若干理由让调查进行下去。Even when the issue of agency jurisdiction is arguable or unclear, the court is likely to perceive several reasons to let the investigation go forward.

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所以我不认为你能够说美索不达米亚文明是“现存最古老的文明”,尽管有争论认为它有可能是最早诞生的文明。So I don't think you can say that Mesopotamian civilisation is the 'oldest living civilisation', though it is arguable it may have been the first to arise.

曼联球员还有一项光荣传统那就是忠诚。在这个层面上很难说曼联做得比巴萨更好,不过毋庸置疑的是曼联绝对冠绝英超。Manchester United have a tradition of player loyalty. It's arguable whether this is better than Barcelona, but it is certainly the best in the Premier League.

自从一个月以前安全部队的总司令杀害了几百个和平示威的平明后,这个目标是否是合法的变得存在争议。As commander-in-chief of security forces that have already killed hundreds of civilians since peaceful protests started a month ago, he is arguable a legitimate target.