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你的汽车早就该淘汰了。Your car would be superannuated early.

你还骑那辆老掉牙的自行车吗?。Are you still riding that superannuated old bike?

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众所周知他是过气的英国摇滚乐队“深紫”的粉丝。He was famously a fan of the superannuated British rockers Deep Purple.

拨出大牧场一角给退休动物享用的话题也早就搁到一边了。The talk of setting aside a corner of the pasture for superannuated animals had long since been dropped.

因此婚礼就按照现在已经过时的方式,在吉诺曼先生家中举行。The marriage took place, therefore, in accordance with this now superannuated fashion, at M. Gillenormand's house.

此外,这个区域的外貌,与其说是古老,不如说是过时,在当时就已有改变面貌的趋势了。However, this quarter, which had a superannuated rather than an antique air, was tending even then to transformation.

那些在阵中曾经多次领教过穆帅的雷厉风行的一批人证实——德罗巴最终“生还”了!It is further proof that in the department of a superannuated squad who have witnessed Mourinho's ruthless side more often than not, Drogba is the ultimate survivor.

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他把打字机、电影放映机、留声机比在一起,用自嘲的口吻把它们总结成是“落伍时代”的象征和迷恋。And he concludes with a wry elegy for the typewriter, a machine that has become, along with the movie projector and the turntable, a fetish and an emblem of superannuated modernity.

与海格不同,他面临的是一个过气的政府,在其领导下人民经历了经济深度衰退,现在的首相又广受人民的痛斥。He isn't, of course, or not in the same way. Unlike Mr Hague, he faces a superannuated government, which has presided over a deep recession and is led by a widely reviled prime minister.

手下没人可管的经理拿泛滥的头衔糊弄人,就像让老掉牙的政客当上兰开斯特公爵郡大臣或枢密院议长。Managers who no longer have anyone to manage are fobbed off with inflated titles, much as superannuated politicians are made Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster or Lord President of the Council.