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未经检验合格的基层不得进行施工。Unaccepted basic level should not be constructed.

很遗憾,我们的报盘在失效前未被接受。We regret to say our offer has lapsed unaccepted.

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不接受夏季衣物,职业装及非御寒衣物。The summer, profession and non-warm clothing will be unaccepted.

第一,无安全感是从持续觉得不被接受发展而来的。First, insecurity grows out of a persistent sense of being unaccepted.

参加不合格品的原因分析和纠正措施的制定。Making cause analysis for unaccepted products issuing corrective action.

误差自动修正、超差报警、故障源自诊断等功能。Auto modifying tolerance, warning unaccepted error, self-diagnosis of fault.

达尔文的进化论不被教徒认可,而且还被大加挞伐。Darwin's theory of evolution was unaccepted and condemned by religious people.

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这些结果意味着,等离子没有产生在釉质表面不被接受的影响。These results mean that plasma have not produced unaccepted influence in enamel surface.

不为人所接受是持久性艺术的最初待遇,开启那伟大的存在。The durable art is always unaccepted at the initial phase but it explores a great existence.

只有通过选择,技术才能走向社会。The unaccepted statue between technology and society can be overcome by two ways conformity.

虽然如此,由于定量的数据还不足,而光子又是这样激进的一个概念,很多人仍然不愿接受它。Even so since quantitative data were scanty and the photon so radical an idea it remained unaccepted by many.

不在于你有多少朋友,有多少人给你打电话,或有多少人接受或拒绝你。It's not about how many friends you have. Or how many people call you. Or how accepted or unaccepted you are.

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通过让每个人都了解情况,你可以减少因为不能够接受变革而引起的低劳动生产率的发生,以及员工的士气低落。By keeping everyone informed, you reduce the chances of low productivity and low morale that often accompany unaccepted change.

高沉迷组比低沉迷组觉得较有得到社会支持,但也觉得较不被接纳了解。The high-pathological Internet use groups feel unaccepted but more social-support than those of the low-pathological Internet use groups.

例子包括高额医药账单、丧失财政资助或他们的赞助来源的财政状况发生意外变化。Examples include large medical bills, the lost loss of a financial aid or an unaccepted unexpected change in the financial condition of their source of support.

你们所说的交单不受尚未接受修改的影响并不构成受益人接受该修改的意见是正确的。You are correct in saying that a presentation that is not impacted by an as yet unaccepted amendment does not constitute acceptance of the amendment by the beneficiary.

请确认,提交的单据不受尚未接受修改的影响并不构成受益人对该修改的接受。Please confirm that a presentation of documents which is not impacted by an as yet unaccepted amendment does not constitute acceptance of the amendment by the beneficiary.

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当然项目模型管理员选择重构未接受的模型变更,删除它,或者为稍后再次的获取拒绝变更。The project model manager may, of course, choose to re-factor the unaccepted model change, to remove it, or to bring the rejected change forward for harvesting again later.

选定赠送项目的余额可补上需再购买项目的差额,但此差额不接受优悦卡付款。After all redemption, the free treatment amount remaining can be settled together with the price difference of any further treatment purchase, and the payment by Lifestyle Card is unaccepted.