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德纳第恭恭敬敬地回答Thenardier replied respectfully

敬祈指导。We respectfully request your guidance.

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他有礼貌地谢绝了邀请。He respectfully declined the invitation.

我当然肯去,我恭敬地回禀师父。Of course I would go, I replied respectfully.

人们尊称他为朱老。People respectfully called him the venerable Zhu.

恭请继续光顾。We respectfully solicit your continuous patronage.

我恭敬地为你沏上一壶绿叶茶!Let me make you a fresh pot of green tea respectfully.

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满座的人,也都恭恭敬敬的听。Other present people were also listening respectfully.

学生们毕恭毕敬地对待老师。The students behaved respectfully towards the teacher.

我们希望正确行事,我们想谦恭地道歉。We want to get it right, we want to do it respectfully.

但他假装对他们举止尊敬。But he made believe he behaved respectfully toward them.

对父母的教诲,我要恭敬地倾听。When my parents instruct me, I will listen respectfully.

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然后拒绝和他参与活动直到你的孩子恭敬地讲话。Then refuse to engage until your child speaks respectfully.

喜福会主席、书记乔治·许谨拜。Respectfully submitted, George Hsu, president and secretary.

充满敬意地在口头和书面交流中使用它们。Use them respectfully in both oral and written communication.

我们友好并恭敬地对待我们的访客和顾客。We meet each other and our visitors friendly and respectfully.

在教师节里,我向您敬献一份崇高的敬意。On this Teachers Day, I respectfully pay you my highest tribute.

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老公爵夫人恭敬地起身行屈膝礼。The old princess rose respectfully and curtsied at his entrance.

飞行员们郑重表示他们一点也不疲倦。The pilots respectfully represented that they were not at all tired.

被告恳请陪审团参与所有审判问题审理。Defendant respectfully demand trial by jury of all issues so triable.