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加布将在半决赛中和费伊较量。Gabb will be matched against Fay in the semifinal.

随着费伊越走越远,他也越来越坚信这一天的到来。The more Fay walked, the more convinced he became.

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费姨父和塔蒂姨妈已经离开宾夕法尼亚,到了伊利诺伊。Uncle Fay and Aunt Tattie had left Pennsylvania for Illinois.

费伊发现,当地偷猎大象的活动是于5月份开始的。The poaching of the elephants, Fay discovered, started in May.

暗绿色的仙狗们体型巨大,来自常青之地。Cu Sidhe are huge, dark green fay hounds from the Land of Ever Young.

你能在各座山间听见我的号叫。"You could hear me yelling from mountaintop to mountaintop, " Fay says.

朋友们,大家好。我的名字叫冯雨璇,你也可以叫我。Hi, friends . My name's Feng Yuxuan, you can call me Fay. I'm 11 years old.

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第二年,我们到伊利诺伊的布卢明顿拜访了费姨父和塔蒂姨妈。The following year we visited Uncle Fay and Aunt Tattie in Bloomington, Illinois.

热带风暴“菲”在佛罗里达西南登陆后,向东北移动。Tropical Storm Fay is moving northeast after making landfalls in southwest Florida.

摩根是传说中的一位力量强大的女巫,她是亚瑟王同父异母的姐姐。A powerful sorceress in Arthurian legend, Morgan le Fay is King Arthur's half-sister.

南佛罗里达居民正在感受热带风暴菲的到来。Residents in South Florida are getting a taste of what Tropical Strom Fay has in store.

费伊曾在17个不同的美国高尔夫协会担任总裁,12个在他担任执行董事的任期。Fay served under 17 different USGA presidents, 12 during his tenure as executive director.

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费伊说,副执行主任迈克比茨将担任临时执行董事。Fay said that deputy executive director Mike Butz will serve as interim executive director.

费伊·普德汉五岁时宣布她想成为一名母亲。At five years old, Fay Purdham announced that she wanted to be a mum. —Is Motherhood Gendered?

雷克斯赫格德写道有关戴维B费伊如何争取到公共球场,以帮助美国公开赛的轮换。Rex Hoggard writes about how David B. Fay helped bring public courses to the U. S. Open rotation.

莉莉丝莱费伊观点是纯粹的异教徒,她是对社会的反叛者,其变更后弯曲。The viewpoint of Lilith Le Fay is purely pagan, and she is a rebel against society, bent upon its alteration.

近15年后,她第一次出现在海女祭司,翁雅说她的女主角费雯丽莱费伊一次。Almost 15 years after she first appeared in Sea Priestess, Dion Fortune wrote about her heroine Vivien Le Fay again.

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为了测量原始景观区域范围,费伊整整一年都在艰辛的徒步穿越从刚果到加蓬的非洲森林。Fay endured a yearlong trek across African forests from Congo to Gabon, surveying the region's still pristine landscape.

非凡华文学习网是提供新加坡小学生一站式的华文学习资源网。Fay Fun Chinese Resource Website is a one stop Chinese Resources Website for students studying Chinese Language in Singapore.

很难相信,热带风暴费伊发生一个月后,水位还如此高,要到卡拉的房屋,还得用独木舟。It is hard to believe flood water from Tropical Storm Fay a month ago is still this high. Carla's home can only be reached by canoe.