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喜剧演员比尔·伯尔如此说道。Comedian Bill Burr.

艾美奖的获得者,喜剧演员Emmy-winning comedian and actor

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他同时还是一位杰出的单口相声演员。He is also a stand-up comedian.

亚历克斯·霍恩是一名喜剧演员兼作家。Alex Horne is a comedian and writer.

我最喜欢的喜剧演员是鲍勃·纽哈特。My favorite comedian was Bob Newhart.

那位滑稽演员有时行为古怪。That comedian sometimes acts a bit daffy.

那个喜剧演员逗得观众笑得前仰后合。The comedian had the audience folding up.

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如果你是个喜剧演员的话,这个信号不错。This is a great sign if you’re a comedian.

那个谐星使我们笑得人仰马翻。The comedian kept us rolling with laughter.

那位喜剧演员真是使观众五体投地。The comedian really knocked the audience dead.

喜剧演员的笑话把人们逗乐了。The comedian tickled the crowd with his jokes.

其中还有喜剧演员杰瑞•宋飞来客串。He also hangs out with comedian Jerry Seinfeld.

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那个爱说粗言秽语的喜剧演员应该净化一下自己的言行。That profane comedian needs to clean up his act.

他在利物浦出道时是一个单口喜剧演员。He started out as a standup comedian in Liverpool.

谁知道在奈梅亨的每个人都是喜剧演员呢。Who knew that everyone in Nimwegens was a comedian?

我喜欢陈佩斯。他是中国著名的喜剧演员。I like Chen Pei Si. He's a famous comedian in China.

那个喜剧演员能把首相的样子模仿得维妙维肖。That comedian can take off the Prime Minister perfectly.

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今晚,笑匠逝世于��。有人晓得�什�。Tonight, a comedian died in New York. Somebody knows why.

一位bbc电台的喜剧演员请他的捧哏搭档读今天的新闻。BBC comedian asked his straight man to read the day's news.

我对昨晚电视上那个新的喜剧演员很失望。I was disappointed with that new comedian on TV last night.