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这首抒情诗唱起好听。This lyric sings well.

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然后,我听写了一遍歌词。And then I dictated the lyric once.

我只是将这首歌的歌词编辑整理了一遍。I only edited the lyric of song once.

它与其说是歌词,不如说是一首抒情诗。It sounds more a lyric than a song.

这首诗是他抒情诗的范例。This is a good example of his lyric poetry.

他已经结束了,已经完成了这首抒情诗。He's finished. He has completed this lyric poem.

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卡达是一个赋有诗意的青年艺术家。Kada is a young artist full of lyric intentions.

当然,我也听写了这首歌曲的歌词。Of course, I dictated the lyric of this song, too.

迈克尔斯有趣的抒情,神秘和暧昧。An interesting lyric of Michaels, cryptic and ambiguous.

但是,我没有足够的时间来听写这首歌的歌词了。But I had no enough time to dictate the lyric of this song.

女主人请闻名男高音歌唱家斯米尔唱一首抒情歌曲。Goodwife asks famous tenor singer Simier sings a lyric song.

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典故是山谷词抒情的一个重要载体。The literary quotation is a kind of important lyric carrier.

这首歌背后就是我的一个小小爱情故事。The story behind this lyric is kind of my little love story.

在克莱顿的抒情的小酒馆再喝上最后一杯咖啡。To drink one last cup of coffeeat the Lyric Bistro in Clayton.

第一部分,格里格钢琴抒情小品的创作背景。First part of the Lyric Pieces Grieg Piano creative background.

在他们边上,约有100人在对着歌谱合唱爱国歌曲。Nearby, about 100 people with lyric books sang patriotic songs.

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在克莱顿的抒情的小酒馆再喝上最后一杯咖啡。To drink one last cup of coffee at the Lyric Bistro in Clayton.

用青豆熬成的爱尔登汤,有如一篇科天的抒情诗。Alden Soup boiled with lima beans looks like a lyric for autumn.

其中一些带着美好的回忆和抒情的宣泄。Among them were some better reminiscences and lyric outpourings.