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儿童期免疫接种的非特异性反应Nonspecific effects of childhood immunization

小童报读加拿大学校时需要一份防疫注射记录。All school-aged children require an Immunization Form.

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主动和被动免疫可以达到保护易感者的目的。This may be achieved by active or passive immunization.

本文观察了秋水仙素的免疫佐剂作用。The adjuvant of colchicine in immunization was observed.

我们有经改进的单价疫苗用于有针对性的免疫。We have improved monovalent vaccines for targeted immunization.

每个州都有其对于小学生的免疫要求。Each state has its own immunization requirements for schoolchildren.

细小疫苗通常包含在犬瘟热疫苗中。Immunization for parvo is usually included in your dog's distemper vaccine.

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还有什么能够更清楚地证明投资于免疫的价值呢?What clearer proof could there be of the value of investing in immunization?

免疫是最成功、最有效的卫生干预措施之一。Immunization is one of the most successful and effective health interventions.

脂肪细胞膜免疫技术是一种降低动物脂肪的新方法。One of the method is immunization with antibodies to adipocyte plasma membrane.

如果该地区流行脑膜炎的话,那下一个优先免疫就针对脑膜炎。The next priority immunization would be for meningitis if there is an epidemic.

目的进一步提高上海宝山区外来儿童免疫预防管理工作。To improve the management of immunization of ecdemic children in Baoshan District.

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结果表明,日粮中补加锌对蛋雏鸡免疫器官发育有增强作用。The results showed that zinc supplement enhanced the immunization of layer chickens.

在两个地区都有相应的免疫运动被组织来进行应对。In both regions there were a number of immunization campaigns organized as a response.

免疫防龋是目前龋病预防研究的热点之一。Today anticarious immunization becomes one of the focuses in caries preventative study.

流脑疫苗的免疫史对健康人群的带菌率无直接影响。The immunization history of healthy population had no direct impact on the carrier rate.

用此合成产物进行动物体免疫,获得了NT的多克隆抗体。Then polyclonal antibody of NT was acquired from animal immunization of this production.

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本照片故事反映了如何成功地开展这次免疫运动。This photo story illustrates how this immunization campaign was successfully carried out.

目前,大部分工业化国家的常规免疫均使用单剂小瓶。The majority of industrialized countries now use single-dose vials for routine immunization.

植物人工免疫技术在植物病害防治中已得到应用。The techniques of plant artificial immunization have been applied to plant diseases control.