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在阿尔勒有大量的罗马古建筑遗址。There are extensive Roman remains of ancient buildings at Arles.

对于梵高来说,南法的亚尔不只是目的地,也是个理念。Arles in the South of France was not just a destination but an idea.

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梵高在色调以及绘画对象上的转变直到1888年他前往南方的阿尔勒之后才变得彻底。His conversion to colour and landscape was not complete, however, until he went south to Arles in 1888.

2009年7月,茂森在法国南部阿尔勒劳动法庭起诉科赫公司并要求支付遣散费。In July 2009, Mausen sued Koch for severance and performance pay in the Arles Labor Court in southern France.

从今年起,该活动每年将展出中国摄影家的作品,以及在阿尔勒展出过的艺术家作品。Starting this year, every year the event will feature the works of Chinese photographers and artists in Arles exhibited works.

你甚至可以在名为阿尔勒和尼姆的小镇里观赏斗牛表演,或在奥朗日的古罗马剧场中,伴着闪耀星空聆听诗词诵读。You can even see a bullfight in the towns of Arles and Nimes, or enjoy poetry at Orange’s ancient Roman theater with the stars shining above you.

1888年,梵高力邀高更来到法国南部阿尔,共同居住在他称之为“南方画室”的黄房子里。In 1888, Van Gogh persuaded him to come to Arles in the south of France to live with him in the Yellow House he had set up as a "studio of the south".

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1888年,当文森特。梵高尚未在疯狂中割下自己的耳朵,他来到法国南部小镇阿尔勒,绘制了近200幅生动的油画。When Vincent Van Gogh moved to the southern French town of Arles in 1888, he painted nearly 200 vivid canvasses before cutting off his left ear in a fit of madness.

几年前我在普罗旺斯的阿尔勒小城漫游的时候发现那里为了迎接时装节所有的街灯都被贴上了粉红色的滤纸。Certainly that was the case when I was wandering Arles in Provence several years ago and found that the town had covered all the streetlights with pink filters for a fashion festival.

为了配合本次展览,还将举办“阿尔勒1988——中国主题”放映研讨会,届时诸多当事人和活跃的批评家将再次交锋…In conjunction with the exhibition, PhotoSpring is proud to present the Arles 1988 China Exhibition Screening and Symposium. At this event, artists and critics will engage in dynamic discussion.