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他是个粗枝大叶的浪荡子。He is a careless profligate.

为什么你要把你那些酒肉朋友带到这里来呢?Why do you bring your profligate companions here?

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问题是,如此恣意的投资多被浪费掉了。The trouble is that such profligate investment is largely wasted.

我不但对于故乡是荡子,对于岁月亦是荡子。I am a profligate not only to my hometown, but also to the elapsing time.

在助推投机性繁荣的资金当中,有许多来自肆意挥霍的西班牙银行。Much of the money that fueled the speculative boom came from profligate Spanish banks.

关于希腊何至落入如此境地,最典型的解释为恣意挥霍的的公共开支。Explanations of how Greece got in this mess typically focus on profligate public spending.

卡扎菲购买的大量武器装备保管不善,给利比亚留下了许多毫无戒备的武器库。And Qaddafi's profligate weapons purchases have left Libya with mountains of unsecured armaments.

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创造出这些病毒的或许是挥霍无度的赤字国,但它们却并非最容易受到冲击的。Profligate deficit countries may have created these viruses. They are not the most vulnerable to it.

而对于某些人来说,无线输电看起来是明显的肆意挥霍和倒行逆施。To some people, wireless power transmission will seem like a distinctly profligate and retrograde step.

一定会的,但是控制这样一个为失业补贴的浪费项目是有意义的。It must have, but reining in such a profligate program that subsidizes idleness is an idea that makes sense.

特别是毛罗-萨拉特,作为球队进攻的动力,几乎所有的进球都与他有关,但本场比赛就这么挥霍了大把的进球机会。Mauro Zarate, in particular, was profligate for Lazio, though he was also the source of most of their best play.

当然,默克尔的决定被德国选民影响,德国选民不想看到自己交的税被用在一贯奢侈浪费的邻国身上。Granted, Merkel has been hamstrung by voters who are in no mood to see their taxes diverted to profligate neighbors.

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日本的银行和地产业巨头都是贪污,挥霍浪费和冷漠无情的角色,以至于没有人愿意帮助他们。Banks and real estate tycoons in Japan were corrupt, profligate and unsympathetic figures, and no one wanted to help them.

难道当我们面对财富的时候只能在冰冷的责任和肆意的挥霍中二选一么?But is this really the choice we currently face—between dour, flinty responsibility or profligate favors for the fortunate?

对长老说,我们这儿子顽梗悖逆,不听从我们的话,是贪食好酒的人。They shall say to the elders, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a profligate and a drunkard."

不过,内维尔唯一不满意的是只有1个进球,球队创造了不少机会却无法转化。However, Neville's only complaint was that United were profligate in front of goal, creating a glut of chances that went unconverted.

在过去,由于许多经济不发达国家的财政挥霍过度以至于没有投资者投资,甚至是一个爱国人士,也不愿将自己的钱拿出。In the past, many poor countries were so fiscally profligate that no sane investor, even a patriotic one, would lend them his own money.

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这样会对希腊的债权人造成损害,但是这些放款实体在把钱借给这个长期以来以恣意挥霍闻名的国家时已经计算过这种风险。This will hurt Greece's creditors, but those entities assumed the risk when they loaned to a country long known for its profligate ways.

变换光学的想法非常美妙,因此如果没能促生一些美好的事物,似乎就是对这一灵感的挥霍浪费。And the idea of transformation optics is so beautiful that it would seem a profligate waste of inspiration if it didn't lead to something useful.

如果说2009年的国防预算给人们一种暗示的话,那么全球铺张的军费开支并没有表现出在短期内会停止的迹象。If 2009 defense budgets are any indication, the profligate overall growth in global military expenditures does not appear likely to cease anytime soon.