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麋鹿喝大量稀粥。Moose noshing much mush.

慕思吃了很多玉米粥。Moose noshing much mush.

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白唇鹿在这个地区很罕见。The moose looks like deer.

那是哪一类的大角鹿?。What kind of moose is that?

他们训练工作犬来寻找麋鹿的粪便。They train dogs to find moose scat.

不得从飞机上俯看驼鹿。Moose may not be viewed from an airplane.

那么,我们到底遇到了熊或者麋鹿吗?So did we encounter our bear, or a moose?

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那个足球运动员壮得象头驼鹿。The football player was built like a moose.

比尔·克林顿很可能脱过一只麋鹿。Bill Clinton could probably undress a moose.

哪怕你是一只驼鹿,都可以买到快餐Even if you're a moose you can get fast food.

除了你可以看到麋鹿在马路上游逛。Except for the moose wandering down the road.

麋鹿是鹿科家族中体型最大的成员。The moose is the largest member of the deer family.

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驼鹿转身向著狗队扑了上来。The moose turned and charged straight into the dog team.

驼鹿转身向着狗队扑了上来。The moose turned and charged straight into the dog team.

然而驼鹿并没有真正离开,它又向狗队扑了过来。Instead of leaving, however, the moose charged back into the.

麋鹿成为新闻,是因为它们也是安克雷奇的居民。Moose are news, because they, too, are residents of Anchorage.

公麋党是美国历史上的一个第三党派。The Bull Moose Party was a "third parties" in American history.

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其间的小径上行走的是熊,狼,驼鹿和麋鹿等动物。The only tracks were those made by bears, wolves, elk and moose.

我敢肯定,哪怕在鹿大发脾气的时候,它也不会吃游客。Even at their grumpiest, I'm pretty sure moose don't eat tourists.

第四天天黑时,他终于拖倒了这头庞大的麋鹿。At last, at the end of the fourth day, he pulled the great moose down.