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可任意黏贴来达成个性化装饰。Stick discretionarily can be reached to personalized decorations.

任何单位或者个人不得擅自进行群体性预防接种。No entity or individual shall discretionarily carry out mass vaccination.

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微机可以控制单片机的运行,可以任意选择采集通道。Computer can control Microcontroller, which can select channels data-acquisition discretionarily.

智能型压力传感器,使用者可任意设定压力范围及报警点。Smart pressure sensor, and user can set the pressure range and the warning signal discretionarily.

附带指南针判别被照物方向,独具新颖。全方位360度任意连续旋转。It has compass that con judge the thing's directions. It can rotate over 360 degrees discretionarily.

广义谐波小波可任意选取频带,是理想的带通滤波器。General harmonic wavelet is an ideal band-pass filter, due to selecting frequency range discretionarily.

解决了主体可自主地决定其他的哪些主体可以在何时访问他拥有的客体。DAC_T resolves the problem that the subject can discretionarily decide that who and when can access his owned objects.

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网络中有大量的攻击工具和攻击文章等资源,可以任意使用和共享。There are large resources of attack tools and articles on the internet, which can be discretionarily used and shared by them.

并可根据需要设置控制温度的上、下限,系统具有超过设置上、下限温度自动告警等功能。The upper and lower limit value of the temperature controlled by this system can be set discretionarily and an alarm will be given by system if the temperature exceeds the limits.

用户可以通过键盘和LED显示器任意调节电机的旋转速度、方向和周期,从而得出实现智能脚线机的方法。Customers can adjust the motors' rotating speed, orientation and cycle discretionarily by the keyboard and LED display, Thus the intelligent wring-thread-machine method is obtained.

对问题银行实施早期干预是银行审慎监管中的一项主要政策内容。Early intervening to the problematic banks is one of the important policies of prudently bank-supervising, which has two different strategies named doing routinely or discretionarily.

第四部分通过对美国、日本调解模式的考察以及我国关于调解制度走向的各家观点的梳理,审慎而理性地选择适合我国的诉讼调解模式。In the fourth part the writer chooses the modal of the mediation in the action that is suitable for china's actual condition discretionarily and reasonably by the investigation in America and Japan.