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牛奶发酵会凝结起来。The fermentation of milk causes it to curdle.

骆驼的奶水不会凝固。The fermentation of milk causes it to curdle.

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目前我们在学发酵过程。We’re learning about the fermentation process.

我要再草地红色酵母发酵。I want to re-pitch yeast in a red fermentation.

葡萄酒是透过发酵作用而得的产物。Wine is through fermentation and of the product.

其他来自未消化食物的发酵过程。The rest is from fermentation of undigested food.

发酵作用一定要在无氧状态下进行。Fermentation must be done in anaerobic conditions.

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它在发酵过程中起触媒的作用。It acts as a catalyst in the process of fermentation.

发酵变酸以发酵的方式变酸。The method used at Orval is known as top fermentation.

发酵酱油和柽约需一年。Fermentation for shoyu and tamari takes about one year.

发泡葡萄酒需要二次发酵作用。Sparkling wine undergo a second alcoholic fermentation.

其格是用马奶发酵而成的饮品。Their is made from mare fermentation and into the drink.

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发酵结束我们得到原酒。After Fermentation we now have something resembling WINE.

发酵过程为期7天,在一个小型不锈钢桶中完成。Fermentation was in small stainless steel tubs for 7 days.

沼肥为有机肥,易被植物吸收。Anaerobic fermentation manure is easily absorbed by plants.

应用于分批发酵试验产酸较高。The yield of acetic acid is high in the batch fermentation.

本控制软件是专门为发酵过程而设计的。Controlled software is designed for fermentation proces-ses.

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葡萄糖通常是发酵的碳源。Glucose is usually used as a carbon source for fermentation.

方法采用双向性发酵工程。METHODS Bi-directional fermentation engineering was applied.

然后即可收堆,入窖发酵14天。Then can accept, into the secondary fermentation of 14 days.