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让我重申一下我的权力’。Let me reassert my authority.

现在它们卷土重来,准备要大显身手。Now they're back, and ready to reassert themselves.

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人们乐于看到君主的复辟People are happy to have a monarch back who is going to reassert control.

那么,为什么会这样?为什么我一再重申我在你生命中的重要性?So what brought this on? Why do I need to reassert my importance in your life?

我们重申容忍、相互尊重和人类尊严这些普遍的价值观。We reassert the universal values of tolerance, mutual respect and human dignity.

连续三次问鼎联赛冠军,一次德国杯冠军,拜仁确立了在德国的王者地位。Three consecutive league titles and a German Cup helped reassert Bayern's dominance in Germany.

保罗还辩明他使徒身份的正当以及重申了他对于加拉太教会的热爱。Paul also wrote to defend his integrity as an apostle and to reassert his love for the Galatians.

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现今刻不容缓的是就是给军事领导施压,并重申美国对抗议者获得民主的承诺。It's time to ratchet up pressure on the generals and reassert America's commitment to the protesters' goals.

在奥巴马重塑美国在太平洋地区影响力的过程中,既有美国方面的“推动”,也有亚洲国家的“拉拽”。There has been plenty of Asian "pull" as well as US "push" in Mr Obama's drive to reassert America's Pacific power.

他立即派遣一支部队到乌克兰,重申俄罗斯对当地的主权,并用忠诚的军官替换掉了叛徒。He immediately sent a force to the Ukraine to reassert Russian authority and replace the traitor with a loyal officer.

如若不然,那麽金融市场将再度弥漫普遍的悲观气氛,令股市和收益率走低.If that's not the case, general pessimism could reassert itself over financial markets, pushing stocks and yields lower.

一七一三年西班牙把直布罗陀永久割让给英国,但到了一九五0年代西班牙却试图夺回直布罗陀主权。Gibraltar was ceded in perpetuity to Britain by Spain in 1713. In the 1950's Spain tried to reassert its claim to Gibraltar.

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为了重新施加控制,你的前伴侣会寻找你接受的信号,…哭泣、祈求、自我伤害威胁等等。In order to reassert control, your ex will look for signs that you are receptive to crying, begging, threats of self-harm, etc.

有可能伊尔塞努西部落将从班加西混乱中出现并重新宣布他的东利比亚封建君主政权。It is possible that the Senoussi tribe will emerge from Benghazi’s chaos and reassert its historic overlordship of eastern Libya.

奥巴马在明年选举前热衷于反复重申其支持以色列的立场,似乎暗示出类同梵蒂冈的方案都会遭到他的反对。Mr Obama, keen to reassert his pro-Israel credentials before next year's election, seems likely to oppose even the Vatican option.

门儿都没有,62岁的退休义大利工程师雷纳托•哥伦坡说。他提供自己的DNA,支持他的国家要求维持现状的主张。No chance, said Renato Colombo , 62, a retired Italian engineer who proffered his DNA to reassert his nation's hold on the status quo.

现在,它恰好处于限制功能的公测阶段,但像基于Web服务之类的功能恐怕会又一次将微软的统治延续下赴。The release is currently in a limited beta, but features such as the free Web-based version just might reassert Microsoft's dominance.

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他在公众心目中是华尔街的金融巨头,有望增强公众对经济的信心、重新获得对政策的控制权。Paulson comes advertised as a Wall Street take-charge guy who will improve public economic confidence and reassert control over policy.

新西兰的“花园城市”基督城享有最英国化的声誉,当我们接近她的乡村时就可以看出这一点。"The Garden City" has the reputation of being the most English in New Zealand and as we neared it order began to reassert itself in the countryside.

石油进口量可能由于价格上涨而增加,许多经济学家认为持续数月疲软的需求将使美国的出口难以支撑。Oil imports likely rose thanks to rising prices, and many economists think a months-long trend of weaker demand for U.S. exports will reassert itself.