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你对塞纳和普罗斯特的看法?What's your opinion of Senna and Prost ?

那有可能会是塞纳和普罗斯特全部再来一遍。It could be Senna and Prost all over again.

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她在他死后因悲伤而憔悴了。She was prost rate with grief after his death.

奴隶们拜倒在主子的脚下。The slaves prost rated themselves at their master's feet.

本文验证了PROST中数据管理的重要性,同时可为PROST日后升级提供参考。I hope this thesis could dedicate to the upgrade of PROST in the future.

当他们接近起止线时,普罗斯特猛向右转,两辆车并排驶过了终点。As they reached the start-finish line Prost jinked right and drew abreast.

1983年8月7日,阿兰普罗斯特以雷诺涡轮发动机在德国大奖赛取得第四。August 1983, Alain Prost finished P4 in the German GP in his Renault-Turbo.

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雨战,作为最难的部分,即使是“教授”普罗斯特也讨厌着。Wet race, as the toughest of all time, even the Professor Alain Prost dislike it.

车队老板弗兰兹托斯特同意普罗斯特最近批评红牛二队车手塞巴斯蒂安鲍德斯。Team boss Franz Tost agrees with Alain Prost 's recent criticism of Toro Rosso racer Sebastien Bourdais.

海菲尔德在2000年代表普罗斯特车队开始了他的F1生涯,随着他的到来,梅赛德斯成为了全部由德国人组成的车队。The arrival of Heidfeld, who started his F1 career with Prost in 2000, completed an all German lineup for Mercedes.

文言小说将社会功能和文学艺术高度融合,具有丰富的教育价值和审美价值。Ancient Chinese prost combines social function with literature art, containing great value both on education and art.

政治反对派正阻碍了健康的法国新公式的一个项目,根据普罗斯特。Political opposition is posing an obstacle to the health of France's new formula one project, according to Alain Prost.

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最终普罗斯特出现在国际汽车运动联合会面前,声称自己的言论受到了误解,于是事态得到了缓解,莫斯利这才满意。In the end the situation was defused when Prost appeared in front of FISA and satisfied Mosley that he'd been misquoted.

一方的政府,这是必要的,一切都很明显,“普罗斯特告诉乐星期日报报纸。"On the side of the government, it is necessary that everything is clear, " Prost told the Le journal du Dimanche newspaper.

有人认为这一代的车手们不如塞纳、普罗斯特和舒马赫那一代,你是怎么看待这种说法的?What do you think of the theory that this generation of drivers is inferior to that from the times of Senna, Prost and Schumacher ?

当然,在两位车手统治整个赛季前,还不到和两位伟人相比的阶段。However, they can not compare with either Senna and Prost yet until they can prove that they have power to dominate the whole season.

上周,翻两番世界冠军普罗斯特表示,法国唯一的一级方程式车手“开始看待事物的负面影响非常快。”Last week, quadruple world champion Prost said France's only formula one driver "begins to look at things in a negative way very quickly".

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这样的形势一直保持了一段时间,但随后琼斯开始挑战普罗斯特。The order at the front remained unchanged but Jones was beginning to challenge Prost. behind these two there was another lively battle for fourth between Laffite and Reutemann.

琼斯尝试着超越普罗斯特,但他的轮胎开始退化,随后便被跑开了,最后一圈他被皮奎特超越,将第二位拱手相让。Jones tried to pass Prost on several occasions but then his tires became marginal and he dropped away. In the closing laps he fell into the clutches of Piquet and lost second place.

本文首先采用了全面数据质量管理的观点,运用TDQM方法检验了PROST模型的精算假设的一致性,对模型假设中的多处不一致之处予以指出。This paper first adopts the view of Total Data Quality Management, and tests the consistency of actuarial assumptions of PROST using TDQM, then points out and improves the inconsistent assumptions.