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她累倒了。She dropped down from fatigue.

他的思维由于疲乏而丧失了活力。His thoughts drooped with fatigue.

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——阅读时总有疲劳感Complaints of fatigue while reading

没有观察到疲劳辉纹。No fatigue striations was observed.

他们中的几位由于疲劳而掉队。Some of them fell out from fatigue.

第二,劳动者“过劳”的事实。Secondly, the workers "fatigue" facts.

进而它会引起消沉感和劳累感。Then it causes depression and fatigue.

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他疲惫地坐着,揉着他的太阳穴。He sits rubbing his temples with fatigue.

疲劳可能是脱水的一种表现。Your fatigue can be a sign of dehydration.

在这一点上,人人都有类比疲劳。Everyone has analogy fatigue at this point.

将您的疲倦淹没在花的芬芳之中。And drown your fatigue in their sweet scent.

她工作努力,仿佛从不知疲倦似的。She works hard as if she never knew fatigue.

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笼养蛋鸡疲劳症是骨质疏松症的一种类型。Cage layer fatigue is a type of osteoporosis.

疲劳和沮丧会令人心里交瘁。Fatigue and frustration will take their toll.

劳累使她眼睛下部出现了黑圈。Fatigue brought on dark rings under her eyes.

这样可以帮助你防止眼睛疲劳和紧张。This helps prevent eye fatigue and eyestrain.

除了疼痛外,我感到发硬和疲乏。Besides aching, I fee1 stiffening and fatigue.

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咖啡可以推迟肌肉疲劳。Coffee has ability to postpone muscle fatigue.

疲劳属于中医学的“虚劳”范畴。Fatigue belonged to asthenic overstrain in TCM.

患有MG的孕妇乏力感更明显。Fatigue can be more prominent in women with MG.