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新鲜空气和阳光会给你带来活力。The fresh air and sunlight will reinvigorate you.

这是否足以标志着这个公司将会以不可思议的方式重新振作起来?Is that going to be enough to reinvigorate the company with a sense of magic?

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如果你想重新焕发生命的活力,没准你该换一下妆了。If you need to reinvigorate your life, maybe a cosmetic change is the way to go.

这就是为什么我们重振初级卫生保健措施的工作如此重要。This is why our work to reinvigorate the primary health care approach is so important.

我们注意到大约每四到五年就需要移栽一次使其恢复生机。And we notice that we need to reinvigorate and repot them about every four or five years.

它使我们能够重新振作,放下过去一年的负担,去做任何事情。It allows us to reinvigorate ourselves, to shed the baggage of the previous year and do anything.

世界卫生大会通过了一项关于振兴清洁饮用水、卫生设施和保健方面工作的决议。The WHA adopted a resolution to reinvigorate efforts in clean drinking water, sanitation and health.

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这最新的发现可能会使已经中断的国际间关于应对全球变暖的论坛这周在波昂再次召开。The latest findings may reinvigorate international talks on fighting global warming in Bonn this week.

我希望他的职业生涯可以重新焕发光彩,因为几年前我就觉得他是本国最佳的后卫之一。I hope I can reinvigorate his career, because a couple of years ago I thought he was one of the best defenders in the country.

上周,安德烈·阿涅利成为了尤文图斯的新主席,随之而来的还有一系列的变动以重振尤文图斯。Last week, Andrea Agnelli was named as the club's new President and other moves are afoot at board level to reinvigorate Juventus.

这份多达千余页的议案包括多项提议,可能影响美国经济,并重新恢复全球气候变化谈判。The text's 1000-odd pages contain proposals that would shake up the US economy and reinvigorate global climate-change negotiations.

农民表示必须埋下一些玉米杆、玉米轴和叶子以回复地力,但大部份的玉米作物原料都可以采收。Farmers say they must plow under some of the stalks, cobs and leaves to reinvigorate the soil but can harvest most of this plant matter.

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对有些人来说,此时正是振兴电子出版业的好时机,但必须同时致力改善新产品的缺点。But for some, this is the right time fore-publishing to reinvigorate the industry, while also addressing shortcomings of the new products.

该委员会的宗旨是,在2010年世界各国开会重新审议核不扩散条约之前,加强国际社会就核武器问题的辩论。It aims to reinvigorate the global debate on the nuclear weapons before a 2010 conference that will review the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

我们需要使标准充满生机,用户和社区的参与和推动下,标准的处理的过程也越来越透明化。We need to reinvigorate standards bodies, with the resulting process being transparent as well as available and driven by user and the community.

身份和联系——你们的任务就是接受这些陈旧的概念,玩转它们,复苏它们,给它们注入新鲜的、激动人心的内容。Identity and connection–it is your task to take those timeworn concepts, spin them around, reinvigorate them, make them fresh and new and exciting.

共和党成员期盼斯蒂尔领导该党迈向新的方向,让新一代领导人脱颖而出,并重新调动起党的基层力量。Party members are eager for Steele to take the party in a new direction that will bring in new future leaders and also reinvigorate the party base.

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于今年二月李明博以压倒性票数当选韩国总统,承诺会加强与美国的关系并振兴在逐步放缓的经济。Lee took office in February after a landslide election win on promises he would strengthen ties with the U. S. and reinvigorate the slowing economy.

过去例行的总统广播演讲已经有点不合时宜,奥巴马希望能够以计算机传播的方式使之复兴。The Presidential radio address is somewhat of an anachronism that Obama hopes to reinvigorate by bringing his message on-demand to people’s computers.

不过,其中心思想——核裁军中的商业激励——能够成为更加广泛的核不扩散运动再启动的有力手段。But the central idea — that there is a financial incentive to disarmament — can be a powerful tool to reinvigorate the wider nonproliferation movement.