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全部病例均经纤维支气管镜。All case were confirmed by fibreoptic bronchoscope.

纤支镜检查对肺部空洞性病变的诊断具有较高价值。Bronchoscope has higher value to the diagnosis of pulmonary cavity.

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儿童支原体肺炎的纤维支气管镜诊治研究。Flexible bronchoscope diagnosis and treatment of mycoplasma pneumonia in children.

目的探讨纤维支气管镜检查对心血管系统的影响。Objective To explore the influence of using fiber bronchoscope on coronary heart systems.

目的研究支气管镜检查在延缓吸收性肺炎鉴别诊断中的作用。Objective To study the role of bronchoscope in identification and diagnosis of delayed absorptive pneumonia.

近年来,随着电视硬质气管镜的兴起,其图像更加清晰,也便于保存。As the development of video-assisted rigid bronchoscope in recent years, images are clearer and easily recorded.

目的探讨经电子支气管镜肺活组织检查术对周围型肺癌的诊断价值。Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of lung biopsy by electronic bronchoscope for peripheral lung cancer.

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经支气管镜球囊扩张术是一项有效、安全、简便的治疗良性气管支气管狭窄的方法。Flexible bronchoscope balloon dilatation is an efficient, safe, simple and rapid method for treatment of benign TBS.

并体位引流,年长儿排痰不畅时可酌情应用支气管镜吸引。And the postural drainage, an old row of phlegm is impeded when may use judgment to apply the bronchoscope attraction.

方法全麻后经支气管镜的供氧管行高频喷射通气供氧。Methods Patients were subjected to bronchoscope to be offered high frequency jet ventilation after general anesthesia.

目的探讨经纤维支气管镜腔内超声对支气管黏膜下病变的诊断价值。Objective To investigate the usefulness of ultrasonic probe through bronchoscope to diagnosis the diseases under bronclic mucous.

目的研究经纤支镜放置气管支架治疗气管狭窄的临床效果。Objective It is to study the clinical effect of treating tracheostenosis by tracheal stent placement through fiberoptic bronchoscope.

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方法对192例经胸部X线或胸部CT诊断为肺不张的患者行纤支镜检查和治疗。Methods 192 cases of pulmonary atelectasis confirmed by thoracic X-ray and CT were examined and treated under fiberoptic bronchoscope.

随着医疗卫生事业的发展,内窥镜的使用日益广泛,已成为医疗单位必不可少的检查和治疗设备。With the development of medical technologies, endoscopes such as gastroscope , bronchoscope have become widely used in clinical practice.

方法分析49例误诊的患者行纤支镜而确诊的肺下野结核。Methods The clinical data of 49 misdiagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients who had been confirmed through fiber bronchoscope were analyzed.

科内设有肺功能室、支气管镜室、重症抢救室、睡眠呼吸检测室。In the branch is equipped with the lung function room, the bronchoscope room, the critically ill ER, the sleep to breathe the examination room.

方法对胸水细胞学和胸膜活检未能明确诊断的疑似癌性胸腔积液患者27例,采用支气管镜替代胸腔镜检查。Methods Bronchoscope in the examination of 27 patients with unidentified malignant pleural effusion by pleural fluid cytology and biopsy of pleura.

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方法在常规纤支镜检查确定为异物后使用异物钳分别对8例患者下呼吸道的异物进行钳取。Methods The foreign bodies were removed by the pliers of a fiberoptic bronchoscope after finding them in the lower respiratory tract in 8 patients.

目的研究支气管镜替代胸腔镜检查对原因不明胸腔积液的诊断价值和并发症。Objective To investigate the diagnostic value and complications of bronchoscope instead of thoracoscope in detecting unidentified pleural effusion.

结论ICU机械通气肺不张患者纤支镜检查和肺灌洗治疗有效、安全。Conclusion Fiberoptic bronchoscope examination and lung-lavage treatment could be safety and efficacy for the patients with ICU mechanical ventilation.