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李白是一位浪漫主义风格的诗人!Libai is a romanticism style poet.

同时他也是一个积极浪漫主义大师。LiBai was also a positive romanticism master.

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他的诗作带有很深厚的浪漫主义色彩。There's profound romanticism in his poetries.

它是对李白浪漫主义文学思想的补充。It reinforced LI Bai's romanticism literature theory.

这种浪漫思想在巴肯的书中俯拾皆是。This kind of romanticism is everywhere in Buchan's books.

有浪漫的情怀,撩动夜的上海。The romanticism of the bar enrich the night life of Shanghai.

有浪漫的情怀,撩动夜的上海。The romanticism of the bar enriches the night life of Shanghai.

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舒柏特生活在古典主义和浪漫主义的交接时期。Shu Bote living in classicism and romanticism of the transition period.

浪漫主义孕育的是情绪,自然,过去以及平凡的事物。Romanticism cultivates emotions, the natural, the past, and the ordinary.

第二部分考察西方浪漫主义文学思潮对中国文坛的影响。In the second part, it investigates the effect of the western romanticism.

浪漫主义的“神界”在瓦格纳之后,开始走向了黄昏。The romanticism "Gotterdammerung" has since been on the wane after Wagner.

配以具有浪漫主义的陪体元素来烘托情节。Accompanied with romanticism accompany the body elements to heighten the plot.

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李白诗歌不仅具有浪漫主义因素,还具有较多的现实主义因素。Not only romanticism but also factors of realism can be found in Li Bais poems.

浪漫主义中有很长的,韵律学传统。In Romanticism there is a long tradition leading up to it of the formal Pindaric ode.

第一部分梳理日本浪漫主义对创造社浪漫主义形成的影响。The first part is about the creation of the Japanese Society of Romanticism formation.

赫尔德对启蒙理性主义进行反思并发动了浪漫主义运动。Based on the profound reflection on rationality, Herder initiates romanticism movement.

最近的新古典主义,浪漫主义和现实主义的时期也包括在内。More recently the periods of Neoclassicism, Romanticism and Realism were also included.

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所谓罗曼蒂克就是帮老婆买回包心菜时会顺手带回一朵玫瑰花!The so-called romanticism was helping his wife buy cabbage when he pulled back to a Rose !

第四章阐述了车尔尼钢琴音乐对浪漫主义的开拓作用。The fourth chapter deals with the pioneering effect of Czerny"s piano works to romanticism."

约翰·勃拉姆斯是浪漫主义时期具有古典主义倾向的德国作曲家。John Brahms was a German composer with the tendency of Classicalism at the era of Romanticism.