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他们面前有个巨大的裂痕。A huge chasm gaped before them.

鸿沟的这场雪盲欺骗。Chasm of this snow-blind deceit.

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游客们尽情地享受这个峡谷的美景。The tourists luxuriated in the beauties of the chasm.

在跨越鸿沟之前,他们至少需要能够达到鸿沟。Before you cross the chasm you need to get to the chasm.

操作横炮,在只用不到6次抓钩的情况下穿越裂隙。As Sideswipe, get through the whole chasm using less than 6 grapples.

勇敢的杂技演员,一只德肯的狐猴飞过一道一百英尺深的裂缝。Fearless acrobat, a Decken's sifaka leaps a chasm a hundred feet deep.

要是费因湖湾的水一古脑儿倒出来,那缺口的夸大了的可怕程度就是这样。So much for the increased horrors of the chasm of Loch Fyne when emptied.

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创业者认为,鸿沟的存在并不重要,至少是对现在的他们来说。The startups view of the chasm is that it does not matter, at least for now.

但是,这一切都无法填补由我们强烈的分离意识造成的鸿沟。But none of these can fill the chasm created by our deep sense of separation.

这对挛生粒子的质量相差悬殊定有“原因”。There must be a "reason" for the chasm between the masses of these twin particles.

这些修补匠与传统的实验室研究人员之间有着巨大的鸿沟。There's a vast chasm between these tinkerers and those with access to a traditional lab.

也许,那永恒的晨光就会这样降临人间,那时不再有危岩深壑。So, perhaps, shall break upon us that eternal morning, when crag and chasm shall be no More.

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不料轰隆一响,裂缝豁开了,海水开始涨起来了,一切才又想了起来。But the moment the bang came and the chasm opened and the sea began rising, it all came back.

这次塌陷生成了一个跨四个街区长达50码的深坑,并在旁边行为乐意各0英尺张的深沟。The landslide cut a 50-yard-long chasm across a four-lane street, leaving a 20-foot ravine behind.

建筑地基的基坑挖掘、深坑挖掘及泥、沙、煤、碎石的装载。For digging holes of construction ground work , chasm digging and mud , sand . coal. gravel loading.

缺口深处很亮,开头他们的眼睛都发花了,什么也看不见。The depth of the chasm was so bright that at first it dazzled their eyes and they could see nothing.

另一幅画表现了一个骑车人俯视着道路在他面前垂直下落的路面困惑不已。Another shows a perplexed cyclist staring down a chasm as the street drops off vertically before him.

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这个行业正处于过渡时期,正在跨越企业业务和游戏艺术之间的鸿沟。This industry is in transition, straddling the chasm between enterprise business and the art of games.

首先要吸引敌人注意力或是要用时空裂缝能力来瘫痪单位,然后让你的间谍去贿赂它们。Set up a distraction or use the Chrono Chasm ability to paralyze units and set your spies up for bribing.

随着美国与中国的利益差别化,这两者间的差异将进一步拉大。The chasm between the United States and China could widen as their differing interests become more pronounced.