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他的地位不合他的理想。His position did not jibe with his ideal.

有时候,你想要的工作并不在你生活的地方。Sometimes, the job you want and the place you live don't jibe.

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这就与被广泛接受的行星形成模型不一致了。That doesn't jibe with one widely accepted model of planetary formation.

这种情况跟一个被广泛接受的行星形成模型并不一致。That doesn't jibe with one widely accepted model of planetary formation.

这显然与克里斯提娜对文件的了解不符。This, apparently, doesn't jibe with Cristina's understanding of the document.

快速的部分已经不到24小时旅行去,然后我们一致和头部为英格兰比赛。The fast portion of the trip has less than 24 hours to go, then we jibe and head for England.

显而易见,如此一个清醒客观的分析不能符合普通大众对人工智能的认知。Such a sober assessment doesn't jibe with popular perceptions of artificial intelligence, of course.

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前任首相拉姆齐·麦克唐纳被讽刺为忙得连工作都顾不上。The jibe made about Ramsay MacDonald when he was prime minister was that he was too busy to do his job.

该研究用192头冀合白猪杂优猪,测定了玉米豆饼型饲粮添加复合酶制剂对猪消化道中各营养物质消化率的影响。This study was conducted to test the effect of muti-enzyme on digestibility of 192 Jibe White Pig hybrids.

而且,虽然绝大多数政治家都把宪法奉为圣物,但实际上他们却往往言行不一。And while most politicians treat the Constitution as sacrosanct, their actions often don't jibe with their words.

其他宇宙数据,比如星系分布测量等,都和模型保持完美的一致。Other cosmological data, such as measurements of the distribution of the galaxies, also jibe nicely with the model.

谢丽尔的丈夫是英格兰国家队后卫阿什利·科尔,梅西嘲笑科尔不懂珍惜自己的老婆,并称阿根廷球员是世界上“最英俊”的。" Taking a jibe at Cheryl's love-rat hubby, England defender Ashley Cole, Messi said his country had the "prettiest" players.

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深色牛仔裤紧通常不海边穿的,但她配上大项链和大图案的上衣一切都那么和谐。Tight dark jeans don't usually jibe with the seaside, but her top's bright print and floaty cut make this outfit just summery enough.

计算结果表明,模型为疏系数季节模型,模型精度显著高于自回归模型。The calculation results show that the precision of jibe dispersed coefficient seasonal model is much higher than the autoregression model.

这会导致易怒、误解、兴趣缺缺——而这三点让同处一个屋檐下的三个人很难和谐地生活在一起。It can lead to irritability, miscommunication, lack of interest -- three traits that don't jibe well for three people trying to live together.

古老的气候是基于非良性的IPAT理论,其可能已经做出指导性的意见,但是没有涉及到自第一个地球日以来的数据。The old wealth-is-bad IPAT theory may have made intuitive sense, but it didn’t jibe with the data that has been analyzed since that first Earth Day.

有些人跑步时也会吸烟,然而我已经看到了许多跑步爱好者戒掉了烟瘾,因为他们知道吸烟与他们的生活方式格格不入。Some people keep smoking while running, but I’ve seen tons of runners who quit smoking, because they know that smoking doesn’t jibe with their lifestyle.

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这个结果与另外一项研究一致。另外一项研究的对象是恰恰在绝经前摘除卵巢的猴子,研究人员检查了它们的大脑是如何通过激素而受益的。The results jibe with other work, which examined how monkeys' brains benefited from the hormone when their ovaries had been removed just prior to menopause.

一位管理遗产的律师说,分居协议规定克里斯提娜在福特死后必须为每三月一次的赡养费付税。这显然与克里斯提娜对文件的了解不符。Cristina would have to pay taxes on her quarterly alimony check after Ford's death. This, apparently, doesn't jibe with Cristina's understanding of the document.

仔细倾听听众的反应可以帮助你确定他们是否理解了你的想法,同时还可以估量你的目标是否与听众的兴趣相一致。Listening carefully to your audience will help you determine whether your ideas are being understood, and gauge how well your goals jibe with the interests of the people you're addressing.