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托洛斯基在墨西哥城附近遇刺。Leon Trotsky was assassinated near Mexico City.

20世纪最了不起的辩论家非列昂·托洛茨基莫属。The greatest polemicist of the 20th century must be Leon Trotsky.

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所有的马克思主义者,从马克思、恩格斯到列宁、托洛茨基,无不拥有同样的梦想。No Marxist from Marx and Engels to Lenin and Trotsky ever dreamt of anything else.

为何他在1928年在托洛斯基被排除在领导阶层之外后仍批判托洛斯基主义?Why does he criticize Trotskyism in 1928, long after Trotsky had been pushed out of the leadership?

利昂.托洛茨基精确的预言了苏联的这种结局,而这在数十年后就被证明是正确的。Leon Trotsky foresaw precisely such an end tothe Soviet Union , and was proved right some twentyyears ago.

一旦这些起义被逐个击败,列宁和托洛茨基知道他们自己的革命正陷入困境。Once these insurrections were defeated, Lenin and Trotsky knew that their own revolution was in dire straits.

1917年10月,里昂’托洛茨基和弗拉德’列宁组织了一场推翻临时政府的武装起义。In October, 1917, Leon Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin organized an armed uprising to overthrow the Provisional Government.

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然而,听那些富人忠实捍卫者的评说,你就会感到沃伦女士简直就是托洛斯基的重生。But listening to the reliable defenders of the wealthy, you'd think that Ms.Warren was the second coming of Leon Trotsky.

托洛斯基发起了一个对于,One,of,the,most,false,charges—,那就是指控他们忽视历史,就像新批评派经常被指责的那样。and it was a charge leveled by Trotsky is that they ignore history, the same charge so often leveled against the New Critics.

也就是说,它是针对,1926年列夫托洛斯基发表的引起轰动的,文学与革命,而写的。In other words, it was written directly in the aftermath of a bombshell published by Leon Trotsky called Literature and Revolution in 1926.

列夫,托洛斯基的文学品味并不单一,他也不要求每人都必须,按以社会主义现实主义写作。Trotsky is not simple-minded in his literary taste, and he doesn't just sort of spontaneously insist that everybody has to write socialist realism.

列夫,托洛斯基的文学品味并不单一,他也不要求每人都必须,按以社会主义现实主义写作。Trotsky is not simple-minded in his literary taste, and he doesn't just sort of spontaneously insist that everybody has to write socialist realism.