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我的那颗星?My star?

星号二。Star two.

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给你一颗小星星。A star for you!

特鲁姆普是个明星。Judd is a star.

五星级黄油?Five star butter?

找回星星。Recover tde star.

太阳是颗恒星。Our Sun is a star.

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太阳是颗星。The sun is a star.

多任务明星?Multi-tasking Star?

巨星殒落了!The star is fall'n.

就像一颗启明星。Like a guiding star.

那星星可以用肉眼看见。The star is visible.

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创建一个星型模式。Create a star schema.

谁是我的幸运之星?Who is my Lucky Star?

你喜欢哪位演艺明星?。Do you like film star?

五星级的水准。Five star awesomeness.

大部分给了它一星。Most give it one star.

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不,太阳是一颗恒星。No, the sun is a star.

你是我的幸运之星。You Are My Lucky Star.

你是我的幸运星。You are my lucky star.