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其中一个区域是脑岛。One such region is the insula.

岛叶皮层亦称为脑岛,它位于大脑内部深处。The insular cortex also known as the insula lies deep inside the brain.

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但是这种激发看来已不会困扰岛叶皮层损伤的患者。But such triggers don't seem to trouble the patients with a damaged insula.

结论岛叶在痛觉调控网络中发挥了重要作用。Conclusion Insula lobe may play an important role in pain modulation network.

方法采用翼点开颅经侧裂入路显微手术治疗岛叶胶质瘤34例。Method The 34 patients with glioma in insula were operated on by trans-sylvian approach.

当你用信用卡付费时,你不会有任何感觉,所以你的脑岛丝毫不受影响。There is no such feeling of loss when you pay with plastic, so the insula doesn't react.

目的为大脑岛叶区域的手术操作提供显微解剖参数。Objective To provide the microanatomy for surgical operation in the region of the insula.

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但是他说脑岛的损伤看起来好像摧毁了与烟瘾必要的联系。But he says damage to the insula does seem to destroy necessary link in the smoking addiction.

目的研究显微手术治疗对外侧裂脑岛区肿瘤的疗效。Objective To study the efficacy of microneurosurgery on tumor in the sylvian fissure insula area.

脑岛的损伤会引起情感淡漠、欲望减少、无法辨别新鲜与变质的食品。Damage to the insula can lead to apathy, loss of libido and an inability to tell fresh food from rotten.

几乎所有的一切都和“情绪性”区域有关,比如中扣带皮质和前脑岛。Nearly all the action was in "emotional" regions, such as the midcingulate cortex and the anterior insula.

所有人的中央前回、右壳核、前运动皮层和中间脑岛的区域被激活。Across the board, areas in the medial frontal gyrus, right putamen, premotor cortex and medial insula activated.

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恐惧的识别可能会特别利用杏仁核,而对厌恶的探知则将依赖于脑岛和基底核。Recognition of fear may draw especially on the amygdala and the detection of disgust may rely on the insula and basal ganglia.

罗格的色带环皮层的脑岛和外侧几乎完全损坏,但是他的躯体感觉皮层是完好的。Roger has nearly complete damage to his insula and anterior cingulate cortex, but his somatosensory cortex is completely intact.

亲昵伙伴的面孔还可以降低主要疼痛产生中心的活跃度,比如左右岛叶。Thefaces of romantic partners also decreased activity in major pain-processingareas, such as the left and right posterior insula.

脑岛与情感有关,因此很有可能是大脑接收到笑话时感觉很好,然后做出“哈哈“大笑的反应。The insula is associated with emotion, so it seems likely that this is the brain feeling good when it gets the joke–the "ha-ha" response.

脑岛的重要性使它成为多种治疗的理想目标,这包括药物和精细的生物反馈。The insula?s importance makes it an ideal target for many kinds of treatment, Dr. Paulus said, including drugs and sophisticated biofeedback.

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外向人的后侧丘脑,后侧岛叶比较活跃,而大脑的这两个部分是和知觉输入有关联的。Extroverts have more brain activity in the posterior thalamus and posterior insula. These parts of the brain are associated with sensory input.

结果岛叶外形呈三角锥形,以前、上和下环岛沟为界。Results The insula had triangle shape because of the pyramidal configuration and was surrounded by anterior, superior and inferior limiting sulci.

而大脑中另一区域的活动,即岛叶内部活动,可以帮助我们作出相反决策,即选择“债券“来远离风险。And the activation in another area of the brain, the interna insula that would help us to put the oppisite choice of the bond running away from risk.