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达勒姆希尔法姆斯湾岸边。Durham Hill Farms Bay Beach.

这样你就搬到杜伦姆来了。So then you moved to Durham.

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你在杜伦姆有多久了?How long have you been in Durham?

德拉姆太太当然有她的动机。Mrs Durham had of course her motives.

达勒姆大教堂是一著名的罗马式大教堂。Durham cathedral is a famous romanes que cathedral.

导管内产气的菌落为大肠菌群阳性。Consider colonies producing gas in the Durham tubes as coliforms.

英格兰杜伦大学的拉塞尔·A·希尔和罗伯特·A·巴顿说。Hill and Robert A. Barton of the University of Durham in England.

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1982年以前他一直是达勒姆大学生物系的高级讲师。Until 1982 he was senior lecturer in botany at Durham University.

德拉姆太太认为艾达的门第好,就邀请她到彭杰去做客。Mrs Durham regarded Ada as a favourable line and invited her to Penge.

自然科学学位课程是全日制课程,在杜伦市校区授课。The degree programme is full-time only and is based at the Durham city campus.

罗利美国北卡罗莱那州的首府,位于该州的中东部,达勒姆市的东南。The capital of North Carolina, in the east-central part of the state southeast of Durham.

这是杜伦大学生物学和生物医学学院的网站。This is the website for School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, University of Durham.

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应用微观仿真来研究高速公路控制。Using Microsimulation to study Motorway Control, by Dr Apostolos Kotsialos, University of Durham.

目前尚不知细节,但本周会在北卡罗来纳州达勒姆的一个大活动上正式宣布。Don't know details yet, but a formal announcement is being made at a big event next week in Durham.

林肯郡的部分A180公路和达勒姆郡的部分A66公路关闭了。Part of the A180 in Lincolnshire was closed and there was a part-closure of the A66 in County Durham.

如今成年的杜伦相信,尽管生活并不公平,但我们都有权接受一点来自他人的恩惠。Now an adult, Durham believes we all deserve a little grace, especially amidst the unfairness of life.

德拉姆已经迫不及待,尽管周围有那么多人,他那双蓝眼睛热情到极点,对莫瑞斯耳语道。Durham could not wait. People were all around them, but with eyes that had gone intensely blue he whispered.

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杜伦大学发光二极管研究所说妇女发现具有柔和的容貌的男人容易信守承诺。The Durham University-led research said women found men with softer features more likely to opt for commitment.

基督教从英国杜伦大学卡梅伦先生说施魏格尔也谈下放权力属于人民。Christian Schweiger from Britain's Durham University says Mr. Cameron also talks about devolving power to the people.

"看来投资人可能是在对美元走强或复苏的预期做出回应,"Durham说."It looks like investors probably are reacting to expectations of a strengthening or recovering dollar," Durham said.