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覆沙和修补需要筛过的沙子。Sieved sand consistent with construction sand for topdressing and repair works.

稀懈值中三个品种均在孕穗期追氮达到最大。Dilute value of the three species reaches the maximum when topdressing at the booting stage.

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随着施氮量增加,追施氮肥的利用率明显下降。The nitrogen utilization efficiency were downtrend with the amount of topdressing increased.

随著施氮量增加,追施氮肥的利用率明显下降。The nitrogen utilization efficiency were downtrend with the amount of topdressing increased.

平整用、修理和覆沙用黄沙,现场有可供使用的沙子。Yellow sand for leveling, repair works and topdressing . Supply on site suitable for this purpose.

去掉他演讲中华丽的词藻,你会发现其中没什么实在内容。Tear off the rhetorical topdressing from his speech and you find there's very little solid content.

与N60相比,各追肥处理均提高了追肥后各生育期叶片含氮量。Compared with N60, topdressing N treatments at different stages enhanced N content in soybean leaves.

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籽粒产量和蛋白质含量对底追比例的反应有一定差异。The grain yield and protein content responded differently to the ratio of base to topdressing nitrogen.

醇溶蛋白和总蛋白含量随追氮比例的增加而逐步提高。The gliadin and total protein content increased with increasing of the ratio of base to topdressing nitrogen.

研究了马铃薯追施硝酸钾对块茎产量及相关性状的影响。The experiment in the effect of topdressing potassium nitrate on the potato yield was carried out for two years.

增加施肥量和追肥次数均可以有效提高灰枣平均单个枣吊开花数量、结果数量、果径和产量。Adding fertilizer and topdressing frequency can increase quantity of blossom, bear fruit, the fruit volume, and yields.

延迟追氮时期可使籽粒蛋白质含量和干、湿面筋含量有较大幅度地提高,但对产量形成不利。Delaying topdressing nitrogen could evidently improve protein and gluten content, but it was disadvantageous to yield formation.

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追氮处理对土壤全氮没有明显的影响,但对土壤大麦碱解氮的影响比较大。Topdressing nitrogen treatment had no obvious effect to total nitrogen in soil, but it had a stronger effect to alkalined-nitrogen.

结果表明,在底肥和追肥相同的条件下,品种间产量和品质差异显著。The result indicated that, under the base fertilizer and the topdressing same condition, the variety grain yield and quality difference was remarkable.

结果表明,在底肥相同的条件下,在一定范围内增加追施氮肥,产量显著提高。The result indicated that, under the same base fertilization, increases topdressing nitrogen to certain extent could significantly increase grain yield.

沙还提供了一个坚实,不泥泞的地表脚下,而协助的增长,只要适当的曝气和追肥是你的维护计划的一部分。Sand also provides a firmer, less muddy surface underfoot, while aiding growth, as long as proper aeration and topdressing are part of your maintenance plan.

而在基肥的基础上,根据土壤无机氮测试推荐追肥可以提高氮肥利用率,减少氮损失。Basal fertilization plus optimized topdressing based on soil mineral-nitrogen test was a promising way to increase N fertilizer utilization and reduce N loss.

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底追比例为5∶5,追肥时期由拔节期后移至旗叶露尖期时,籽粒产量及氮肥偏生产力均显著降低,说明拔节期是追施氮肥的适宜时期。When the ratio was 5∶5, grain yield and PFP decreased significantly with the postponing of topdressing fertilizer from jointing stage to flagleafemerging stage.

生育至40天时,出现浅层地下水的NO3-N污染,说明减少追肥用量可减少污染。NO3N pollution of the shallow groundwater was observed 40 days after seedling emergence, suggesting that reducing N topdressing rates can decrease NO3N pollution.

评吸结果以C处理最好,随着追肥比例增加烟叶的香气量、劲头、刺激性都有所增加。Treatment C was the best for smoking test, and aroma quantity, physiological strength and irritancy were increased with the increment of the topdressing proportion.