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他以前是印刷厂的一名刻工。He was once an engraver in a printing factory.

因为我们的雕刻师还未上班。Unfortunately, the engraver hasn't shown up yet.

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另一位著名的篆刻家是他镇的晚明。Another noted seal engraver was He Zhen of the late Ming Dynasty.

有一次,王羲之在木板上刻字,后来刻字的人发现墨汁渗入木板有三尺深。Then the engraver found the ink had penetrated one centimeter into the wood.

布莱克同时还是一位画家和雕刻师,他自己为书做插图,自己印刷出版。Blake was also a painter and engraver who illustrated and printed his own books.

作品雕工精细,甚至把骆驼身上的毛发都表现的淋淋尽致!The work engraver is fine, even displays the camel body's on hair drippings sends!

公司先后研发生产了刻字机、雕刻机、雕铣机。Our company mainly produces vinyl cutter, molding machines and engraver machines, etc.

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希腊客户求购激光雕刻机用于雕刻人像,材料是水晶和蛋白石。A client from Greece looks for laser engraver machines to engrave portrait on crystal & opal.

在1818年,他提出他的家人到美国,并致力于在费城作为一个雕刻师。In 1818, he moved his family to the United States, and worked in Philadelphia as an engraver.

我亲自到王宫市场去找的那儿最好的刻工,亲自看着他刻版。I have been myself to the best engraver of the Palais Royal, who did the plate in my presence.

激光雕刻师可以雕刻和削减皮革,玻璃,亚克力,不锈钢和其他材料。The laser engraver can engrave and cut on leather, glass, acrylic, stainless steel and other materials.

一个乐观的篆刻家使灵巧和活跃的笔触而清醒的人总是整洁的。A sanguine seal engraver makes deft and buoyant strokes while a sober person makes careful and neat ones.

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取而代之的是在蒙帕纳斯一个叫琼尼·弗兰德兰德的美国艺术家的作坊里当雕刻师。Instead he worked as an engraver in the atelier of the American artist Johnny Friedlander in Montparnasse.

在这两者之间的雕刻将具有完备的背景去除,雕塑,雕刻等。Between the two, the engraver will be well equipped for background removal, sculpting and carving, and more.

亨利森自己就是一名出色的雕刻师,他的精致创意很快取得了成功。Ernst Heinrichsen was himself a brilliant engraver and quickly achieved success with his delicate creations.

ZY系列线路板制作机是一种集机电、软件、硬件相结合的高科技产品。The ZY series circuit board engraver is a high-tech product that integrates electromechanics, software, and hardware.

屏幕上的橙色球是一个支点,允许转让的具体指导雕刻刀具路径。The orange ball on the screen is a pivot point that allows the transfer engraver to direct the specific cutter paths.

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托马斯科尔出生在兰开夏,英格兰和开始他的职业生涯作为一个学徒,和雕刻师纺织设计。Thomas Cole was born in Lancashire , England and began his career as an apprentice to and engraver of textile designs.

该产品是我公司生产销售5年之久的产品,目前已全面占有国内市场和海外市场。Our mould making engraver has 5 years refulgent history and have great function in the markets of the overseas and the domestic.

年我移居于荷兰,也正是我现在居住的地方,我得到了第二个公民身份。很明显,我是那里最后的木口木刻版画家。My second birth as citizen was in 1990 when I settled in Holland where my home is now and where, apparently, I am the last wood engraver.