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许多车祸都是因于酒后驾车造成的。Many an accident is caused by DUI.

我当我得到了我的第五个酒醉驾驶的时候它中止了吗。I had it suspended when I got my fifth DUI.

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今天,我男朋友因为违反交规进了局子。Today, my boyfriend went to jail for a DUI.

受到醉驾指控后,不要让你的情人将你保释。Don't have yourlover bail you out on a DUI charge.

第二章“对”的分词和标注问题研究。Chapter II is the tagging and parsing study of "Dui".

对他怕是只有怨怼愤恨吧。Is afraid to him is merely resent a Dui rage to dislike.

现在只有在你被判酒后驾车后才需接受强制教育。Now it's mandatory only after you've been convicted of DUI.

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这似乎违反了2007年涉嫌酒后驾车的案件中所判的缓刑。These are all seems violating probation from a case back in 2007 involving a DUI.

今天我在高速上看到前面一辆车胡乱变向,就摸出电话向有关部门报告酒后驾车。Today, I saw a car swerving in front of me on the freeway, so I whipped out my cell to report the DUI.

自去年春天他酒醉驾驶之后被拘捕他已经停止驾驶,只喝葡萄酒、果子酒之类而且已经减少俱乐部的活动。Since his DUI arrest last spring he has stopped driving, only drinks wine and has cut down on his clubbing.

胸腔里的不满和怨怼散了一大半,头脑又回复了清明。Chest inside of disaffection and disgust the Dui scatter an greater half, heads anew reply to settle clearly.

在2006年4月,这位阿凡达女演员因醉酒驾驶在夏威夷法庭被判入狱5天。InApril 2006, the Avatar actress pleaded guilty to a DUI charge in a Hawaii court and spent five days in jail.

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发言人称希尔顿在因涉嫌酒后驾车被捕前整日工作并空腹喝酒。The spokesman said Hilton worked all day and drank on an empty stomach before getting arrested on suspicion of DUI.

本文报道了庄河青堆水产公司虾池浮游生物的研究结果。The investigation was made on the plankton in shrimp ponds of Ging Dui Fishery Corporation from May to September, 1991.

醉酒驾驶无疑是全国第一令人讨厌的体育话题的第一原因,而且它差不多是可以预防的。The DUI is far and away the nation's number-one overall cause of annoying sports stories. It's also the most preventable.

针对这场诉讼,百度两次回应均称高度关注,并低调应对。Lawsuit of Chang of needle Dui Zhe, second response of Bai Du Liang all calls tall Du attention, and Di attune is answered.

中国象棋队优势明显,两位特级大师包揽了比赛的前两名,许银川获得金牌,洪智收获银牌。Chinese Xiangqi Dui obvious advantages, the two grandmaster swept the top two matches, Xu Yinchuan gold medal, silver medal harvest Hongzhi.

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在五月,新近崭露头角的女明星林赛•罗韩在酒后驾车处罚后,再次违背了她假释条例,她也被要求携带这种类似的由BI公司竞争者生产的装置。In May, starlet Lindsay Lohan was ordered to wear a similar device, manufactured by a BI competitor, after violating her probation stemming from DUI charges.

安东尼因休赛期时酒后驾车被联盟停赛两场,而这赛季的第一场亮相,他15投仅5中获得13分。Carmelo Anthony had 13 points on 5-for-15 shooting in his first game of the season. Anthony was suspended for the first two games after an offseason DUI arrest.

这是关于“中国大陆广东省佛山市南海区西樵民乐七队二街”邮政编码的网页,以及详细地区信息和在线地图。This is a page about postal code of "Xi Qiao Min Le Qi Dui Er Jie , Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China", with area information and online map.