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它们两个中哪个有更高的电负性?氧。Which of those two is more electronegative? The oxygen.

碳在氢的右边,所以它较氢更是电负性的。So carbon is to the right of hydrogen, this is more electronegative.

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提出了一种分析电负性气体中电子崩发展过程的四参数模型。This paper investigated the process of avalanche growth in electronegative gas.

二氧化铅的电负性其实比古典化学理论认为的要更强。That makes lead dioxide much more electronegative than classical theory would predict.

为什么我用早早孕试纸测出的是阴性啊?Why am I used early is pregnant test paper measured is those who go out electronegative ?

此类传感器面临的主要挑战来自对像锰这样的负电金属的检测。A critical challenge for such sensors is the detection of electronegative metals like manganese.

也可以用箭头,箭头指向,带负电的一极。Some people like to use an arrow, and the arrow points in the direction of the more electronegative end.

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总的来说,氮和碳配体如要有效,就需要连接上其它电负性中心。In all, the nitrogen and carbon ligands, to be effective, require linkage to other electronegative centers.

有时候我们会有一个电负性很高的原子,它将会获取更多的共用电子密度。Sometimes we have a very electronegative atom that's going to take more of its equal share of electron density.

乙肝表面抗原为什么有人是阳性有人是阴性啊?哪种好呢?。Antigen of second liver surface why is somebody electropositive somebody be electronegative? Which had been planted?

造影前,必须作碘过敏试验,阴性者,注射碘造影剂较安全。Before radiography, must make iodic allergic test, electronegative person, dose of inject iodic radiography is safer.

你找一下电子力最大的元素在哪,氟是活泼元素中,电子力最大的。And you see where the most electronegative elements are, and fluorine is the most electronegative of the active elements.

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本文讨论了确定电负性混合气体临界电场强度的两种方法。Presented in this paper are two methods used for determining the critical field strengths in electronegative gas mixtures.

尿细菌培养的假阳性和假阴性的现象在临床上并不少见。The false positive of germiculture and the phenomenon with electronegative holiday are in make water clinical go up and many seeing.

还用负离子配位多面体生长基元理论模型分析解释了钠沸石的合成机理。The forming mechanism of natrolite has been illustrated by electronegative ion polyhedron of coordination growths unit theoretical model.

因为带正电的稀有气体中心具有高的电负性,所以,该中心的任何配体必须自身具有电负性。Because of the high electronegativity of the positively charged noble-gas centers, any ligands for those centers must themselves be electronegative.

另外,抗菌药物应持续到体温正常、全身症状消失、细菌培养阴性后两周。Additional, antibacterial content should last to temperature symptom of normal, whole body disappears, after germiculture is electronegative two weeks.

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因此这意味着更稳定的分子,应该是这一个,它真正把负的电荷放到了,电负性更高的原子上。So that means that the more stable molecule is going to be this molecule here, which actually puts the negative charge on be more electronegative atom.

因此,如果我们来比一下硫和氧,氧应该有更高的电负性,而在这个分子中它确实有负的电荷。So, if we compare the sulfur to the oxygen, the oxygen it turns out is more electronegative and that is what holds the negative charge in this molecule.

因此,如果我们来比一下硫和氧,氧应该有更高的电负性,而在这个分子中它确实有负的电荷。So, if we compare the sulfur to the oxygen, the oxygen it turns out is more electronegative and that is what holds the negative charge in this molecule.