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我要去尿尿。I need to pee.

猫在酒里小便的味道?Cat pee in wine?

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我要尿尿了。I'm going to pee.

对了,那你怎样尿尿的?So how do you pee?

到底在哪你才能尿尿?。Where can you pee?

我只是实在憋不住了,想撒泡尿。I simply had to pee.

小男孩要尿尿。The boy needs to pee.

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我朋友还在树上撒尿呢!My friends pee on trees!

我半醉着,我要撒尿。I’m half-drunk and I have to pee.

想尿尿是很正常的!Needing to pee is perfectly normal!

这是我的身体战争论。This is my pee body war winning theory.

什麽原因让我在潜水的时候想要尿尿呢?What Makes Me Want to Pee While Diving?

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你搞定之后别忘了把验尿棒的钱给付了。Pay for that pee stick when you're done.

别朝我拉尿还跟我说是在下雨啊。Don't pee on me and tell me it's raining.

喝尿能让生命维持多久?How long can you survive by drinking pee?

我是张添发的女儿,碧仪。I am Pee Yee, daughter of Cheong Tim Fatt.

我要小便,但瑞秋在洗手间里!I have to pee. And Rachel's in the bathroom!

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你会感觉到你想尿裤子。And you feel like you want to pee your pants.

对于我们所有人都有一个简单的事实,就是我们都要上厕所。It's a simple human truth-we all have to pee.

她养了一大群猫,这些猫老是在你的院子里随意排泄。who has thousands of cats that pee in your yard.