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正直的言语力量何其大。How forcible are right words!

朝鲜方面已经表示,强行登船搜查的行为将被视为是战争的信号。North Korea has said a forcible search would be regarded as an act of war.

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这几节圣经在原文里更是有力,中文英文都难以将它译得达意。It is impossible to express in English the forcible language of the original.

通常来说,钻孔也许是最简单快捷的破坏性强开方法!In general, drilling is probably the easiest, fastest method of Forcible Entry.

由于政策失败,强制性制度变迁只能在一定程度上弥补这一缺口。Because of the policy failure, the forcible institution-change may make up the gap partly.

以下若干行文字足以说明了解巴尔塔沙.葛拉西安和他的著作是多么必要。The lines sum up in sufficiently forcible Latin all that need be known of Balthasar Gracian and his works.

这两种权力反映出民事强制执行权兼具有司法性和行政性。These two kinds of powers reflect that the Civil forcible execution has the judicature and administrating.

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吹风,送风从出口,尤其是从助燃鼓风炉的出口出来的空气,其他气体或蒸汽气流。A forcible stream of air, gas, or steam from an opening, especially one in a blast furnace to aid combustion.

前些日子,法德里已经处理了一宗强力清房案件,而这间小白房子则是他的工作日程表里的下一个。Fatheree had already handled one forcible eviction that day, and the little white house was next on his list.

民事强制执行权包括执行裁判权和执行实施权。The Civil forcible execution power includes the execution judgment power and the execution enforcement power.

山达基叛教者们多得是被迫骨肉分离的故事,但山达基几乎一律否认。Scientology defectors are full of tales of forcible family separations, which the church almost uniformly denies.

因此,进行环境保护需要依靠政府采取一定的强制手段-征收环境税。Therefore, environmental protection need our government adopt definite forcible means-imposing environmental tax.

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强制执行以法定之债为依据,原债消灭仍需现实交付替代物。Forcible execution based in debt of public law, the original debt will not be perished until hand over substitutes.

我们希望美国政府采取切实有力的政策措施,促进中美经济贸易的更大发展。We hope the US government will take forcible measures to fuel stronger growth in two-way trade and economic co-operation.

在西欧,吉普赛移民在意大利遭燃烧弹袭击,在北爱尔兰首府贝尔法斯特惨遭屠杀,在希腊则被强令遣返。In western Europe Roma migrants have faced firebomb attacks in Italy, pogroms in Belfast and forcible evictions in Greece.

氧气吸入器广泛应用于临床,属高风险的医疗器械,被列为国家强检项目。The oxygen inhaler, widely used in clinic, is ranked in country's forcible inspection medical instrument for its high-risk.

民事强制执行是以公权救济私权的法律,是民事诉讼的一个重要组成部分。Civil forcible execution, which is an important component of civil procedure, offers relief of public power to private rights.

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律师团为这个有影响的银行家否认这些指控,称这些证据不足以支持暴力性侵犯的指控。Lawyers for the influential banker have challenged that account, saying the evidence doesn't support accusations of forcible sex.

可以想象一个基地在美国本土的强行进入和早期进入的部队单位在利用LAMV中自行部署到海外的情况。Imagine a forcible entry and early entry force package based in the continental United States that self-deployed overseas in LAMV's.

建立公共财政体制既有利于减轻农民负担的诱致性制度变迁,也有利于减轻农民负担的强制性制度变迁。Construction of a public finance system will favor both enticing and forcible transformation of system for alleviation of farmers' burdens.