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我们可以在阿拉斯加看到雪车。We can see snowmobile in Alasca.

威廉驾驶着雪地摩托,而凯特在他身后高兴得大叫起来。Kate, roared with delight, as William took the snowmobile controls.

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你可以乘搭闻名遐尔的“哈格鲁特”雪上汽车。You can also ride an actual Antarctic snowmobile known as a Hagglund.

TEAM和雪地汽车工业一同发展于1960年代。TEAM and the snowmobile industry developed symbiotically in the 1960's.

我鼓足力气,想把车拉出来,但脚下一滑,摔到了河里。I was trying to pull my snowmobile out, and I slipped and fell into the river.

有个穿白色衣服的人,爬上了雪橇,驾着它下坡驶向我们。The man in white climbed onto the snowmobile and scooted down the slope to us.

乘坐狗狗拉的雪橇或乘坐雪上汽车来一次旅行,还可以尝试一下冰潭中的冬泳!A husky dog or snowmobile safari, sleigh ride or take the plunge into an ice pool.

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一些特殊的款型比如雪地车以及巡逻车也将投入生产。Specialized vehicles such as snowmobile and patrol type ATVs are also in the works.

啊,那感觉,你的肾上腺素大量分泌,像是做了雪地机动车旅行,像是在冰上挖洞掉了鱼。You can get your adrenaline pumping with activities like snowmobile rides and ice fishing.

牧人把这头奋力挣扎的幼鹿绑在了雪橇上并把雪橇栓在了他的雪地机动车上。The herder tied the struggling young reindeer to a sled and hitched the sled to his snowmobile.

如果在夏季的话,可以在那里雇人滑小船进入公园,如果是冬季,则需要雇雪橇。From there hire someone to take you in via boat if it's summertime, or snowmobile in the winter.

比如说,我们不会提供这一带很流行的雪车项目,取而代之的是‘荒野漫步’”赛尔伯格说,“我们能看见麋鹿、驯鹿,幸运的话,还能看见熊。”We decided for example to not offer snowmobile safari which is very common up here," says Selberg.

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尽管雪上汽车在该地区非常流行,但我们不打算提供这项服务,取而代之的是‘荒原漫步’。We decided for example to not offer snowmobile safari which is very common up here, " says Selberg."

我发现这是一个私人的桥梁,它似乎是用于英尺和车的流量。I found that it was a private bridge, and it appeared to be used for both foot- and snowmobile traffic.

胡家2008圣诞节期间到落基山脉骑摩托雪橇的场景。SnowmobileHu family from Huville riding snowmobile in the Rocky Mountains during 2008 Christmas holidays.

这种环结能够使雪撬与雪上汽车或其它类似的运输装置相连接。The hitch allows a Snow Trek sled to be connected to a snowmobile or other similar transportation device.

我们马上就答应,所以,这就是他搭乘免费雪车而到山下的方法了。We immediately said YES. So, that is how he went down to the bottom of the slope on a free snowmobile ride.

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滑雪者和滑雪看在欧洲冬季极限活动会在蒂涅3月10日,法国一雪地树模。Skiers and snowboarders watch a snowmobile demonstration during the Winter X Games Europe March 10 in Tignes, France.

这位自称“第一家伙”的佩林先生,曾四次赢得全长2000英里的雪橇比赛——特索罗铁狗大赛的冠军。The "First Dude, " as he is called, is also a four-time winner of the Tesoro Iron Dog, a 2, 000-mile snowmobile race.

贾斯汀霍耶做法,星期五,为即将启动的最佳技巧决赛雪地车在第14届冬季极限运动会在阿斯彭。Justin Hoyer practices, Friday, for the up coming Snowmobile Best Trick Finals during the 14th annual Winter X Games in Aspen.