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多数的身体的能量就这样白白浪费了。Much of the body's energy is wasted uselessly.

无所事事地在天空漂游,哦,荣耀永恒的太阳!uselessly roaming in the sky, O my sun ever-glorious!

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心情是一盆将泼还止的水。Mood is a bottle of water which is splashing uselessly.

我站着看她的灯光在天空中无用的燃点着。I stood and watched her light uselessly burning in the void.

我站著看她的灯光在天空中无用的燃点著。I stood and watched her little lamp uselessly lost among lights.

船上装满了无用的黄麻,一直就闲置在那里。It is uselessly laden with jute, and has been idle for ever so long.

我就像秋天里的一片残云,无助地飘拂在空中。I am like a remnant of a cloud of autumn uselessly roaming in the sky.

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它无用的载着黄麻,停靠在那儿已经很久了。It is uselessly laden with jute, and has been lying there idle for ever so long.

这只船无用地装载着黄麻,无所事事地停泊在那里已经好久了。It is uselessly laden with jute , and has been lying there idle for ever so long.

他是躺在他的背部,可以看到他的腿蠕蠕许多不必要的空气。He is lying on his back and can see his numerous legs squirming uselessly in the air.

我像一片秋天的残云,无主的在空中飘荡。啊,我的永远光耀的太阳!I am like a remnant of a cloud of autumn uselessly roaming in the sky , O my sun ever-glorious !

但明显的能量波,使得这个看似无用的印未近身已经威力惊人。But manifest vigor wave, make this sees uselessly print don't approximate body already the power is amazing.

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人们与熊哥们,请注意!别把时间耗在无谓的争吵上,而要尽量善用好你们所拥有的时间。Bears and people, take notice! Don't spend time arguing uselessly . Instead, take advantage of the time you have.

奥沙家的铝质房梁在风中无望地摇摆,内墙上还残留着斑斑血迹。Aluminium girders swing uselessly in the wind from the roof of Oshar's house. An inside wall is still spattered with blood.

在主罚角球或任意球时,能够调用你的门将,这一点非凡有用,因为门将可以不必一直待在球门中心,无所作为。This is particularly helpful for placing your keeper on a corner or free-kick, as they needn't stand uselessly in the middle of the goal any longer.

我爬上后面的台阶,穿过一大堆估计是用于微波炉中的托盘,四处飘荡的食品袋无助地拍打着屋门。I mounted the back steps through a heavy accounting of discarded microwave-dinner trays and a tidal drift of feed bags and knocked uselessly at the door.