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凡胎就是缺点。Mortality is weakness.

所有的鱼都呈现出死亡反映。All the fish exhibited mortality response.

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全因死亡率是本研究关注的结果。All-cause mortality was the outcome of interest.

我应该用怎样的态度对待不可避免的死亡?What should my attitude be towards my mortality?

以打火机的想法看待人类死亡。The cigarette lighter view of the human mortality.

一般说来,除小猪仔外,死亡率低下。Generally, mortality was low except in young piglets.

施罗德还提到了巴菲特对死亡的恐惧。Schroeder also focused on Buffett's fear of mortality.

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主要评估结果为住院病人死亡率。The primary outcome measure was in-hospital mortality.

大规模死亡的威胁从没突然出现。The threat of mass mortality often never materialises.

我能想到死亡被征服的两个方法。I can think of two ways in which mortality can be tamed.

提出了新的紫胶虫死亡率计算公式。Come forward new formula to count mortality of lac insect.

脓毒症患者血糖的变异性和致命性。Glucose variability and mortality in patients with sepsis.

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这是他生命中,第一次面对死亡。He's for the first time confronted with his own mortality.

婴儿死亡率从152‰减少到114.9‰。Infant mortality per 1, 000 births fell from 152 to 114.9.

两组住院时间和病死率差异无显著性意义。The time of stay in SICU and mortality rate were recorded.

不过男性死亡率市制普遍规律正在改变。But the great universal of male mortality is being changed.

首先,高死亡率和生育率之间是相关的。For a start, high mortality and fertility rates are related.

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旨在估计印度基于跌落类型的跌落相关死亡率。To estimate fall-related mortality by type of fall in India.

死亡曲线逐渐上升,到65岁时成平稳状态。The mortality curve ascends gradually to a plateau at age 65.

它们的死亡率和畸形率也很高。They also have high mortality and abnormality rates, he said.