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一个从事打捞工作的人。To work as a wrecker.

她被认为是家庭杀手。She is perceived to be a home wrecker.

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爱情对平和心境有强大破坏力。Love is a great wrecker of peace of mind.

你要是和他约会,就会成别人家庭的破坏者。If you date him, you will be a home wrecker.

我是破坏王,破坏是我的专长。I'm a wrecker. I wreck things. Professionally.

清障车将马路上停放的病车拖到了安全地点。The wrecker moved the wrecked cars to a safe place.

事实上,莉莉丝的坏名声作为一个“家庭的破坏者”是当之无愧的。Indeed, Lilith's reputation as a "home wrecker" is well deserved.

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另外,我已经消除需要特别的部分,从反叛。Also, I have eliminated the need for the special parts from the rebel wrecker.

我相信我们都努力成为健全分会的建立者,而非破坏者。I believe we all strive to be the builder of strong clubs and not their "wrecker."

我并不欣赏你试图诬蔑我的声誉、以及把我描述成一个家庭的破坏者的做法。I do not appreciate your attempt to smear my reputation and paint me as the home wrecker.

我并不欣赏你试图诬衊我的声誉、以及把我描述成一个家庭的破坏者的做法。I do not appreciate your attempt to smear my reputation and paint me as the home wrecker.

修正了灾难波希肇事者、灾难波希豪夺者、可怕的古斯塔肇事者的导弹环绕距离错误。Dire Pithi Wrecker , Plunderer as well as Dire Guristas Wrecker and Plunderer were having orbit range problems for guns and missile.

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二十年的统治最终把他带到了2000年的全民公投,而这一次的挫败让他的疯狂昭然若揭,开始大肆破坏。His madness became clear in 2000, when, to his amazement, he lost what amounted to a referendum on his two-decade rule. Mr Mugabe turned wrecker.

修正了灾难波希肇事者、灾难波希豪夺者、可怕的古斯塔肇事者的导弹环绕距离错误。Dire Pithi Wrecker, Plunderer as well as Dire Guristas Wrecker and Plunderer were having orbit range problems for guns and missile. This has been fixed.

机动车在高速公路上发生故障或者交通事故,无法正常行驶的,应当由救援车、清障车拖曳、牵引。Where a motor vehicle meets with a breakdown or traffic accident on the expressway, and is unable to run normally, it shall be pulled or drawn by a rescue vehicle or a wrecker.