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什么是你最讨厌的习惯?What is your most unappealing habit?

有些阶段对你来说并不具有吸引力?Did some of the phases sound unappealing to you?

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虽然很多人对假摔行为嗤之以鼻,但它其实也是足球比赛的一部分。As much as it may be unappealing to many, diving is just a part of the game of soccer.

一盘被过度烹调、死气沉沉的汤对我完全没有吸引力。The thought of a big pot of overcooked, lifeless soup is completely unappealing to me.

虽然网上有很多类似的干酪刨丝器,但上面的把手都没有以前那台舒服。There were a number of similar graters available, but with unappealing “comfort” grips.

如果这样,军人和律师的辩论正在被那些不讨人喜欢的极端分子挑起来。The soldier and lawyer arguments are being made, in this case, by unappealing extremists.

所有黄色在视觉上都不诱人,这是因为它们放任快乐的情绪而显得昏暗。Shades of yellow are visually unappealing because they loose cheerfulness and become dingy.

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一个不透明的政府将引领全球资本主义的想法并不能引起共鸣。The idea that an opaque government might come to dominate global capitalism is unappealing.

但就在印度民主的美丽外表之下,仍掩藏着一些不那么美妙的现实。But there are still some unappealing realities just behind the beautiful facade of Indian democracy.

不过,它的款式已经很旧,卖不到什么好价钱,而且相当笨重,恐怕大多数小偷都不会对它感兴趣。However, it’s old enough to have little street value, and heavy enough to be unappealing to most thieves.

而疏果果树则不结果,或者只结少量的果子,个头很大,但是果皮却很厚,很粗糙。Off-crop trees produce no fruit or a small number of large fruit that often have thick, unappealing skins.

如果外星人对人类使坏,即便是偶然地,最不理想的结果可能会出现。The most unappealing outcomes would arise if extraterrestrials caused harm to humanity, even if by accident.

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比起第一次结婚者,考虑过结婚的人至少会发现一个婚姻无吸引力的意义。Even more than first-timers, individuals considering remarriage may find at least one meaning of marriage unappealing.

欧盟领导人和高级财政官员现在发现,他们面临一系列毫无魅力可言的挑战.European Union leaders and senior finance officials now find themselves confronted by an array of unappealing challenges.

也许对我们而言不太讨喜,原因多重,甚至是非常不同于我们的直觉,与成长的教化模式?Unappealing to us, perhaps, for that reason, very contrary to our intuitions Yes? and the way we have been brought up. Yes?

如果存储库的界面令人混淆、复杂和没有吸引力,那么即使世界上最好的信息模型也会被闲置不用。The best information model in the world will sit unused if the repository's interface is confusing, complex, and unappealing.

飞到坦桑尼亚的达累斯萨拉姆,再坐渡船从这个毫无吸引力且满是尘土的城市去桑给巴尔岛,这儿的生活节奏更慢。Fly to Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, and take the ferry from this unappealing and dusty city to Zanzibar, where life moves slower.

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这样的限制是想要阻止盗版,但也会使云服务在典型的唱片顾客看来缺乏吸引力。Such limitations may be intended to deter piracy, but they also could render cloud services unappealing to the typical consumer.

没有舌板,crank就会浮在水面,毫无姿态可言,也无法到达大部分鱼所在的位置。Without this lip, crankbaits would float on the surface of the water, leaving a very unappealing and out-of-reach target for most fish.

没什么诱人投资选择的当下,美元已经成为拥有一定避险意愿的汇市投资者的“最佳”选择。In a world of unappealing choices, the U. S. dollar has emerged as the least-bad option for currency investors seeking a modicum of safety.