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房室结与心房肌之间有多条路径相连。The AVN linked the atrial muscle in several routes.

根据结内细胞的亚微结构特征,讨论了房室结的生理功能。On the basis of these ultrastiuctural features, the function of AVN is discussed.

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最后我们没有发现手术耽搁和缺血性坏死之间的关系。Finally, we found no association between the incidence of AVN and operation delay.

在我们的研究中没有发现缺血性坏死率和手术耽搁时间之间明显的趋势关系。In our study no obvious trend was found to associate operation delay with the incidence of AVN.

细胞的差异及空间分布的不同可能与潜在起搏的部位及传导速度有关。The difference of P cells may serve as morphological basics for of the latent pacing and the conduction delay of AVN.

结论应注意皮质激素对SARS患者引起股骨头缺血性坏死的早期诊断及治疗。Conclusions The earlier diagnosis and treatment of AVN in SARS patients who had taken glucocorticoid should be performed.

也有可能缺血性坏死的发生率与延迟手术的病人往往伴有较差的总体健康状况有关。It is possible that the increased incidence of AVN seen in those who have had delayed fixation may be related to poor general medical fitness.

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我们的研究表明移位的髋关节囊内骨折病人内固定治疗后出现股骨头缺血性坏死的几率随年龄增加而降低。Our results indicate that the incidence of AVN of the femoral head following internal fixation of a displaced intracapsular fracture decreases with age.

氢原子频谱仪上脂肪的频谱表现,或许可以在预测股骨头坏死疾病的进展上,扮演一定的角色,甚至可以提早至两年前就有发现。The lipid spectrum of MRS on the femoral head at risk of AVN could play a role in predicting its prognosis of possible progression into AVN, as early as two years.

在第二阶段的研究里,我们追踪实验组的38位病患,并对他们正常那侧的股骨头进行核磁共振及频谱仪的检查。In phase II, MRS was performed on the intact hips of 38 patients with unilateral femoral AVN . They were followed and MRS study was performed after at least two years.

南美国家将取出所有的100面值的玻利瓦尔纸币,并在72个小时之内将它们换成同样面值的硬币。The South American nation will withdraw all 100 bolivar notes and replace them with coins of the same face value within 72 hours, state-run news agency AVN said Sunday.

这似乎说明股骨头的命运很大程度上决定于损伤当时,手术固定的时间在缺血性坏死的发生中也由一定作用。It is likely that the fate of the femoral head is largely determined at the time of injury and that the timing of fixation may also have a role in the development of AVN.