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可以以此观念为例深思一段圣训。Pondering on one hadith can exemplify this notion.

这段圣训表明说谎与伊斯兰如何的格格不入。This hadith shows how repugnant lying is viewed in Islam.

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这就是为何所谓的冠鹤圣训被完全拒绝的原因。This is why the so-called Swans Hadith is definitely rejected.

保罗的话,就如同圣训所述那样,宽恕是安拉的恩赐。Paul's words, like the hadith qudsi, described forgiveness as a gift from God.

不仅如此,当我看到以下圣训时,发现它的意义更大。Not only that, I realized that there is more for me when I saw the following hadith.

此外,圣训最伟大的传述人也是一名妇女,即众信士之母阿依莎。Also, the greatest teacher of Prophetic Hadith was a woman, Aishah, Mother of Believers.

被许多学者引用的此段圣训,是描述性的圣训,而非命令性的圣训。The hadith , as referred to by many scholars, was a descriptive rather than an imperative.

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圣训学家一致认为这是一段羸弱的圣训,尽管它有这么多的传述系统也罢。Scholars of Hadith are agreed that it is a weak hadith despite its many lines of transmission.

学习了古兰经、圣训和伊斯兰教史,也学习了如何利用这些知识的方法。I studied Quraan, hadith and Islamic history. I also studied the ways I could use this information.

圣训是伊斯兰教的一大渊源,是穆斯林精神文化的源泉以及生活和行动的指南。Hadith is a source of Islam and it has been a guide of Islamic spiritual heritage and a guide for practical life.

在上述圣训中,他将诚实与说谎描述为导人于两个相反方向的强大动力。In the hadith at hand, he depicts truthfulness and falsehood as opposite powers leading those who practice them in opposite directions.

实际上,许多学者认为这段圣训是先知给妇女们开的一个简单的玩笑,同时是他对她们的教导。In fact, many scholars take the hadith as a simple joke done by the Prophet and at the same time something that he wanted to teach them.

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周五的布道引用了“朝鲜和穆罕默德言行录”的话,强烈谴责这座巨大雕像的偶像崇拜主义本质,伊斯兰领袖们表示赞同。Imams agreed a text for Friday sermons quoting "the Koran and the Hadith" which forms a denunciation of the idolatrous nature of the giant structure.

的确没有可靠的圣训号召穆斯林在伊历八月履行特殊的礼拜,斋戒或者其他功修。It is true that there is no authentic hadith which calls upon Muslims to perform special prayers, fasting or special worship in the month of Sha'ban.

源于艾哈迈德·本·罕百里的知识天性,他的学派优先选择古兰经与圣训原文,只在非常有限的状况下才依靠创制。Due to Ahmad ibn Hanbal's nature of learning, his school of thought recourse to ijtihad in very limited cases and was giving priority to the Quranic text, Hadith.

第四位伊玛目是艾哈迈德·本·罕百里,生于伊历164年,受教于包括苏福扬·本·欧叶奈在内的伟大的圣训学家,后来成为当时圣训学家的领袖。The fourth Imam was Ahmad ibn Hanbal who was born in 164 AH and studied under great scholars of Hadith including Sufyan ibn Uyaynah and became a leading scholar of hadith at his time.

谁为穆斯林大众背记了关于这个宗教的四十段圣训,在审判日真主将会把他和教法学家、学者们一起复活。Whosoever memorises and preserves for my community forty hadith concerning matters of this religion, Allah will resurrect him on the Day of Judgment in the company of jurists and religious scholars.